Chapter 5 - Escape!

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SLIGHT TRIGGER WARNING: where the dotted line is, is the start of an action scene which includes violence. It was a lot of fun to write though so please read it. It's also important to the story line.

Dan's POV

Phil and I chuckle away at her videos. Phil smiles and I rest my head on the back of the couch. He thinks momentarily biting his lip. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I think I know where I recognise her." He says crossing his legs.

"Really?! Where from."

" said that she was watching our videos since basically the beginning, right?"

"Yeah..." I trail off, nodding for him to continue.

"I recognise the channel name, she used to leave comments all the time and I think I've also seen some of her videos that were in my recommended tab."

"You know she probably still leaves comments." I say crossing my arms.

"Probably, but there's so many that'd we'd never be able to find them."

"Yeah, you're right." I divert my attention from Phil and look at the side bar, there is a video that has recently been uploaded. Phil sees it too.

"Should we?"

"Yeah." I click on the video and watch on as she explains her situation. Poor girl, in some way I wish that I'd reached out to her a long time ago, maybe she wouldn't be in this situation.

"It's not your fault Dan." Phil puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but I feel like I could've prevented this mess." Phil sighs in response.

"Dan, you can't help everyone you know, besides how were you to know this would've happened." After a few seconds silence I respond.

"I guess you're right," I whisper. I glance at the clock on my screen. 2:34 am. "Jesus, it's late...or should I say early." I stand up from the couch and approach the door to the hallway. "Night Phil." I pause. "And thanks for not making me feel like a terrible human being." He stifles a small chuckle and smiles.

"That's okay Dan. Night." He gives a small wave and I open the door to my bedroom and let it swing shut behind me. I switch on my fairy lights and get changed then climb into the cold bed, wrapping the covers around me I turn off the lights and drift off to sleep thinking about (Y/N).

*Your POV*

You laze around in your room and take a bite from the pizza you just bought for dinner. You take another bite while intently watching the screen of your computer. You process todays happenings while watching various videos from Dan and Phil. Hah, wouldn't it be cool if he was watching my videos. But that's probably not the case you think to yourself. The frown disappears off your face as you remember that he asked for your number. But he'll never text me back. You let out a sigh and lean back against the wall. It was no secret to yourself that you were dealing with personal issues. You'd just been kicked out of home, no more loving family, no more homemade meals, having to hide your channel. It was a win lose situation. Gain friends and freedom, and pay the price and fall into an eternal spiral of unsureness. But if there was one thing you would never do, something that you vowed you'd never do was bring harm to others and yourself. You were strong and willing to fight for your future. That getting through all this is worth it, you just have to get through this part. Just as Dan had said in his videos, and you took that to heart.

You hear a knocking on your door that thankfully disturbs you from your thoughts, you pause the video that your mind had wondered from and take out your headphones. "Come in." You say loudly. The door is slowly pushed open and Alroy pokes his head out from behind.

Take Me Away | Daniel Howell x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now