Chapter 11 - I'm here for you

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Dan's POV

I watch on as (Y/N) yawns and stretches her arms above her head, so cute...stop it brain, never gonna happen. "(Y/N)?" I say standing in the doorway of the living room.

"Yeah..." She looks up and quickly pauses the video she is watching. She turns the screen slightly but I see it anyway...PINOF 8. I let out a small inaudible chuckle at it and continue.

"Bed's ready." I point over my shoulder and smile. "You should probably get some sleep since it's..." I look down at my phone...whoa it late...or early (depending on your life choices). "only one fifty-six am." She grins at me and shuts her laptop.

"Yeah, you're right." She stands up and walks over to me. I beckon for her to follow. Leading her upstairs she walks past me and sits on the edge of the bed. I lean against the doorway. I stare at her gentle movements as she plugs her computer into charge. She's so cute...maybe I like her...maybe a lot. I sigh. Should I tell her? No- but what if...ugh, I should just take Phil's advice and tell her...

"Umm...(Y/N), I...uhh..." I grip onto the doorframe, heart thumping in my chest, looking down at my feet like a small nervous boy. "I...umm..." I gulp. I stare into her beautiful eyes. Quick, quick, what do I do?! "Goodnight...stalker." I add. I smile awkwardly at her then quickly close the door and walk down the stairs. Idiot, idiot, idiot! Why didn't I just tell her. I could've just said that I think she's a kind person, that's she's funny...that she deserves so much more. Oh, who am I kidding...two days...two days it's been and I'm already crushing on her...but then again-no- I go straight to my room and sit down on the desk chair at the open laptop. After a few moments of pondering in silence I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in..." I groan.

"Dan..." I hear the door close behind me.

"Hey Phil." He sits down on the edge of my bed and I spin to face him. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine...I was actually here for you."


"Well, like..." He leans back and lies down on the black and grey duvet. "You know..."

"I know what?" I ask confused.

"Like...did you tell her." He whispers. Silence. "Dan?" He looks up at me.

"No..." I say quietly. "I-I will...when she's in a better place. If you know what I mean." He sits up and inquisitively stares at me.

"Good idea." He walks up towards the door. "Just don't leave it too late okay...night Dan."

"Night." I mumble.


I toss and turn in bed...I can't fall asleep. Something is just bothering me...maybe how I was such an idiot. Ugh. I plump my pillow in an attempt to become more comfortable. Nope. I turn over onto my side and look at my phone, I wince as the light bounds off my sensitive eyes. "Jesus Christ." I mutter looking at the time. "Three-twenty-eight-am, bloody hell." I place it back down on the side table and lay in bed for longer tossing and turning.

My eyes feel heavier, sleep...finally at last...if I could just slip away-

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH." An ear-piercing shriek of terror explodes through the flat. (Y/N)! Never have I ever got out of bed so fast in my life. I don't even bother to tare the sheets away. I trip and fall on the twisted duvet round my ankles. I kick it off and push myself up.

"(Y/N)!" I call out as I run down the hallway. I double step up the stairs and push open the door. I switch on the light and run to her side. She won't stop screaming. I scoop her trembling body tightly into my arms, holding her close to my bare chest. "(Y/N)...(Y/N)!" Nothing, I look behind to see Phil standing in the doorway, shocked and dazed. I turn back to her. "(Y/N)! Wake up." I plead. I want the screaming to end...I want her nightmare to end. Her eyes shoot open darting around the room until they finally settle on mine.

"It-It was..." She stutters and begins to cry. She buries her head in my chest.

"'s okay, just a bad dream...I'm here now, I'm're okay." I gently rock her and hold onto her tighter. Her body heaves as she cries into my chest. Without thinking I crane my neck down and kiss the top of her head then nuzzle my nose into her hair. My heart thumps...and thumps...and thumps. Phil comes and sits down next to me on the edge of the bed. After a few minutes of staying like this and Phil and I exchanging glances every now and then she finally starts to slowly sit up. The three of us sit on the edge of the bed.


"I'm so sorry..." you start.

"(Y/N)." you look to Phil. "It's okay. You don't have to apologise." You sigh and stare down at your fidgeting fingers. You hear Phil yawn then turn back to him. You don't want to be rude and keep them up, although they would be willing to for you.

"I'll be was just a bad dream." Phil stands up and faces me.

"You sure you'll be okay?" You nod. He looks at Dan as if to ask permission, Dan nods. "Well...goodnight (Y/N), sleep well okay?"

"Okay..." He closes the door behind you leaving you and Dan in silence, his arm still wrapped behind you. You stare nervously up at him. Without notice he gets up and walks towards the door. "Night Dan..."

"(Y/N), I'm not leaving."

"Huh?" He flicks the light off and crawls across the bed, the only light coming from the street lamps. He slips the covers over himself. "Dan, what are you doing?"

"Sleeping with you – not like that." You both let out a small chuckle. He pulls the covers away on the other side and beckons for you to get in.


"(Y/N), you're not alright and I'm not leaving."


"No buts." You see him smiling kindly though his eyebrows screwed in a serious look.

"Fine..." You slide in between the covers next to him. You roll over and face the door as to not lead to any awkward body touching. But before you can accomplish this he slides his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body. Your heart thump in time with his and his body warms you on this cold night. Your thoughts run wild with happiness and nervousness as he buries his head into your neck.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He whispers quietly.


You both drift into a peaceful sleep, arms wrapped around each other, legs intertwined, his neck buried into your hair. Everything was perfect. Everything is perfect.

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