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The door opened and a well-built tall man appeared, he seemed to be same age as Fawaz. Kiah looked up at the man smiling brightly, Fawaz doesn't like that look. She got up from her seat

'Behrad' she walked towards him and hugged him. He hugged her back. All this while Fawaz simply stared at them. Watching them Fawaz felt angry, he clenched the glass tightly.

They parted after a long while, Fawaz noticed the man looks very handsome with slightly brown curly hair and fair complexion. Kiah wrapped her arms around his and looked at Fawaz

'This is Behrad, my fiancé' she introduced the young man to Fawaz. He felt glass nearly sip from his grip. He gaped at them, the man came towards him and forwarded his hand.

Fiancé? How? She is still married to him how can she be engaged to someone else? Fawaz thought confused.

Fawaz leaned forward placing the glass on the table in front and looked up at them.

'It's getting late, I should be going' he said dryly and avoiding any eye contact he walked out from the apartment.

'Who was he?' Fawaz heard the man named Behrad say

'Don't know, he had confused me with someone else' Kiah answered.

Fawaz could feel his eyes moisten with tears, is she taking some sort of revenge or has she really moved on? Knowing Maha, she might be taking revenge also. But then a disturbing thought came in Fawaz's mind, does she care that she is married to him? As he climbed down he came face to face with Dr. Zubair and the kids.

Zubair looked at him furiously while Fawaz looked at the kids lovingly, he wanted to touch them and hold them in his arms. A tear drop escaped his eyes ignoring Dr. Zubair he kept staring at the kids. Right now, he felt like the unluckiest man on the planet.

'What are you doing here?' Dr. Zubair asked, Fawaz, moved his gaze from his kids and looked at him with teary eyes. Zubair's expression changed, Fawaz turned to look at his kids and took a step closer. He held their shoulders

'What are your names?' Fawaz asked them

'First, tell us who are you?' one of the boys asked confidently making Fawaz smile through his tears.

'I am Fawaz Malik...your...grandfather's friend' he lied, his voice cracking.

'Why are you crying, uncle?' the other kid said this one seemed gentler than the first one who sounded very rash.

Fawaz wiped his eyes and looked at the other one 'I get emotional around kids?' he replied

'Why?' the same one asked sounding curious. Fawaz simply smiled

'Anyway, my name is Majid and this is my younger brother Faheem' he said pointing at himself and then his brother. The other one, Faheem, looked at his brother furiously, 'I am not younger...' he protested

'You are...'

'I am not...'

'Yes, you are...'



'Kids, behave' their grandfather's stern voice silenced them, they looked at their grandfather fearfully.

'Nice meeting you guys, I have gotten chocolates for you. It's with you mother' he said patting their cheeks. The boys smiled and gave each other a look before rushing upstairs. Fawaz watched them go, he wiped his tears and turned to leave when Zubair stopped him.

'Fawaz, I want to talk to you...come' he climbed down few steps. Fawaz nodded his head, though he is too heartbroken to listen to anyone but then he agreed thinking to just listen what Zubair has to say, maybe he might give some insight.


Zubair took Fawaz to the park nearby, it isn't far, just 10 minutes away. There aren't many people here now as it is nearly dark. Fawaz is trying hard not to cry but the image of Maha being with someone else is stabbing his heart.

'I know why you are here?' Zubair said after a while, Fawaz doesn't look at him, his gaze fixed on the ground as they walked.

'I met Kiah five years ago in one of my rehabs here in Dehradun' he said making Fawaz looked at him shocked, Rehab?

'She was known by another name then, Maha.' Zubair revealed. Fawaz looked on stunned. Zubair gestured him to sit on a bench.

Fawaz followed him like a zombie, his gaze glued on the old man

'Something about Maha made me personally take up this case,' Zubair continued as the two men took their seat, 'she reminded me of my daughter, who had died in a car accident. Anyway, Maha was suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. As it is, it is very dangerous but for Maha, it was worse as she was five months pregnant and it would have affected her child as well. She was so innocent and like a little child, she was only looking for love. I began treating her. I got personally too involved, during the treatment I found she had been longing for a father's love the most, so I unofficially adopted her and became her father so that I could give her that love. First I thought she was an unwed mother to be, but then I found she was married and about you. I saw your photos and your details from her phone. I understood the root cause of her depression was one her father's loss, next, her mother's love marriage and third and the final' he said and looked at Fawaz, who simply looked down feeling guilty.

'With a lot of therapies and hard work I finally pulled her out of depression, I gave her new identity and made her forget her old one. I brainwashed her so much that now she doesn't recall anything, I kept her away from anything and everything related to her past. Though she is on sleeping pills but she has improved a lot. I sent her to work for a fashion institute here, that's the only thing carrying from her past. There she met Behrad and they became friends, because of her past she subconsciously still doesn't trust anyone. I spoke with Behrad and gave all details, he accepted her with her past, also accepted her kids. He claims to love her a lot, taking my advice he finally has managed to break her wall little but hasn't gone to her heart. Maha feels a sort of restriction, I am guessing its cause subconsciously she still knows she is married. But Behrad is willing to wait till she accepts him. On my insistence, she agreed to get engaged to him but (he shook his head sideways) Son, there is one request (he joined his palms together looking at Fawaz) please stay away from her, your name, your face will take her back to the hell from where I had pulled her out of. This time if relapse happens it will be worse, she might lose her mental balance. Even in rehab, she tried many times to commit suicide...I have grown fond of her, she is very innocent and she only wants to be loved, now when she is finally getting it...please....' Zubair pleaded.

Fawaz was speechless, he has nothing to say. Guilt eating him up from inside. He felt a tight lump in his throat, tears clogging his eyes. Slowly, he extended his hand and clasped Dr. Zubair's palms in between his own. Fawaz looked up into Dr. Zubair's moistened eyes, his lips trembled as he said, 'Sir, I promise...I will not come back into her life again...'. Zubair smiled gratefully but before he could say anything Fawaz stood up and walked away.

As he walked away he repeatedly wiped the tears falling from his eyes.

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