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Next day Fawaz is at work, his colleagues had guessed he is worried. His dull face and baggy eyes proving them right, in these five years Fawaz has lost a lot of weight and has become very lean. There is knock at the door and he asked them to come in, he is shocked on seeing Behrad.

'You?' he asked standing up. He held a file in his hand, Fawaz gestured him to sit. He nodded and took his seat opposite him across the table.

Just then the door to his cabin opened and Mrs. Tasneem entered, Fawaz is surprised to see her here.

'Maam?' Fawaz said surprised. Tasneem had never come in his or anyone else's cabin, ever.

'I have come here to give you this from Maha's side' Behrad interrupted forwarding the file towards him. Fawaz looked at Tasneem and then at Behrad and took the file but before he could open Behrad said standing up

'Maha has signed the divorce papers.'

Fawaz is shocked, he looked at Tasneem she had a neutral expression on her face

'Soon the legal process will start...then you both will be divorced...but before you guys are legally separated she has given you three days to leave Miara.' Behrad completed.

Fawaz sighed in disbelief, Maha has become so adamant. Is she testing him...his love? Or is she really blinded by jealousy?

Behrad then turned around walking away.

'Fawaz, what is all this?' Tasneem asked as Fawaz sat down burying his face into his palms

He looked up glared at her, all this mess started with her.

'Maam, this is none of your business' he said scowling

'My daughter's happiness is my business.' she said slamming her palms on his desk, Fawaz doesn't flinch but simply rolled his eyes

'I married you to her because I knew you be her happiness because I saw her smiling again but you depressed her to the next are a heartless man...but wait it was my fault to have misjudged you.' she says angrily, her anger didn't affect Fawaz. At least she has accepted her fault.

She turned around and left slamming the door behind her, Fawaz sighed dropping his head back into his palms.


The rest of the day Fawaz was very restless, and for his peace that evening he decided to venture to Maha's place. He needed some answers, also he had some explaining to do.

This time he didn't use the window instead he boldly walked up to the main door and rang the doorbell.

A stubby looking middle aged woman opened the door. Luckily Tasneem was out with Mr. Khanna for some business deal and Behrad had taken Majid and Faheem with him. Fawaz decided he will try one last time to talk sense to Maha. Fawaz is made to sit on the sofa while the maid went to get Maha, he nodded taking his seat. He couldn't help but recollect that one day when he and his family had come to see Maha, she had looked so beautiful in that red saree. That blush, that glow on her face. Fawaz sighed, he wanted them back but only if she is willing to cooperate.

Minutes later he saw Maha entering the living room dressed in blue top and white Patiala, her hair placed on one side of her shoulder.

He doesn't smile on seeing her, she sat placing her one leg over the other

'That day you left showing so much of an attitude. What brings you here, today?' she said coolly, her voice ringing with pride like she has won a war. Right now, Fawaz saw a glimpse of Tasneem in her. Maha's body language and tone resembling her mother so much.

'I have come to take you with me to Miara's.' he said simply

She looked at him, shocked at his audacity, she stood up fuming with anger

'How dare you? I hate that woman...that woman stole my husband from me...and you dare ask me to come to her home...bloody husband stealer' she said angrily looking away from Fawaz.

'Listen Maha, tell me all you want but nothing against Miara.' he warned her pointing his index finger at her

'Why? Your mistress shouldn't be hurt but your wife can?' Maha snapped raising her eyebrows

'Shut up Maha, she is my friend...and I respect her' Fawaz said

She looked at him, 'you love her?'

'As a friend... yes.' Fawaz said simply, Maha is taken aback.

'Then what are you doing here? Get lost.' Maha fumed.

'I want to take you meet Miara and see first-hand what she is going through.' he said grabbing her hand. Maha struggled to set free but his grip was tight.

Fawaz opened the passenger seat and shoved Maha inside, she is just verbally protesting she didn't protest physically. Fawaz hurried towards the driver's seat, he pulled out a dupatta from back seat; luckily, he had it there.

'Wear this' he said wrapping it around her head, she looked at him furiously

'Why?' she spat

'Miara is very disturbed already and I don't want her to be disturbed further...and yeah (he pointed his index finger at her) shut your mouth there...' he said equally angrily. Maha's mouth dropped in disbelief

'How dare you speak to me in that tone' she said adjusting the dupatta over her head

'I should have done this long time ago' he said igniting the engine, Maha looked at him shocked. Fawaz ignores her and began to drive.

Soon they reach the locality where Miara's apartment is, Maha got down looking around

'She isn't even rich...what did you see in her?' she commented and Fawaz shook his head, he held her forearm and guided her, she follows without any protest.

The apartment door was open as there were many people coming in and out, there were sounds of cries from inside the apartment, once they entered they found men sitting in the living room having sympathetic expressions on their faces, the ladies were in the master bedroom. Fawaz turned to look at Maha and held her wrist

'Go there and keep your mouth shut.' he hissed in her ears, she glared at him.


They turn to find Miara there, she looked at Fawaz and rushed towards him hugging him tightly. Fawaz heard an audible gasp from Maha.

'Thank you for coming' Miara sobbed into his chest

'Shh...I am here everything will be fine' he consoled her caressing her back lovingly, Maha cleared her throat to get their attention.

Fawaz rolled his eyes as Miara pulled herself away from him and looked at a lady covered with a white dupatta. She frowned and then looked at Fawaz.

'She is mom's friend...Bambi...'he said quickly making a name since the only thing that came to his head thinking about Maha is her bambi eyes. Maha coughed, she seemed to not like the name.

'Oh...' Miara said, she then forwarded her hand, Fawaz nudged Maha and she unwillingly shook hands with her. Miara then took Maha with her inside the room, Maha turned around to look at Fawaz and he gestured her to remember what he has warned her. She pulled her dupatta down little and showed him her tongue before turning around and following Miara inside.

Fawaz then sat with the other men and after a while left with them to the graveyard for the burial rituals, all this while he kept praying that Maha comes to her senses on seeing Miara's plight.

MY BOSS'S DAUGHTER (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now