22 Glimmer

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"When the sun shines, we'll shine together."
- Rihanna, Umbrella

The base's alarm continued its urgent shriek

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The base's alarm continued its urgent shriek. Somewhere beyond the lab's domed wall, Maeyune heard gunfire and explosions. But as she concentrated her attention on Reo and his crawling victim, all blatant noise abated.

Tin's left lens had shattered, and there was a cut across his left cheek. Blood dripped down to his chin.

Maeyune finally noticed something dark underneath Reo's helmet, pressed against the back of his neck. It appeared out of place. She did not remember seeing it there before in their previous fight.

"Reo, stop!" Maeyune yelled.

Reo glanced over his shoulder, his red-scaled face an empty expression. He turned to face her.

Jaysek pushed Maeyune aside, just as Reo surged forward. They both collided against the floor, barely missing Reo as he flew past. He shattered the glass wall of the office behind them, and the wall's black curtain tumbled over him in waves.

In a single stroke of his sword, Reo freed himself from the confines of the curtain. He emerged from the fabric to hover a foot above the ground. He watched Maeyune, his eyes burning red.

With him just feet away, she saw that whatever it was on his neck created a shackle around his throat. She observed it quickly before she rose to her feet.

When he spoke, his voice was a compelling force of its own. Its baritone sent a shiver down her body.

"Maeyune Ereni, I challenge you to a duel."

Her eyes widened.  He had comprehension?

"Stand down, Reo!" she ordered. "What are you doing?"

"I seek victory," he answered simply. "For that, you must die."

His swing came quick. Her body forced an outward blast that shoved him a far distance away. Reo's blade missed her head by a foot. As he regained his balance, fire funneled in her direction from Oren and Sera.

Aerylis's wind averted the path of the flames. Clover released a rumbling howl, drawing both Oren and Sera's attention.

When Reo's teammates turned away, Maeyune perceived the same dark object on each of their necks. For a brief second, red lights blinked at the center of the objects.

She reached for their minds. It should have been easy peering into the thoughts of the two fire celestials.  But when she attempted a telepathic link, her power rebounded, as if she had struck an impenetrable wall.

Her alarm sparked. Something's wrong.

From across the room, Maeyune connected with Aerylis and Clover. There's something around their necks! she communicated. You need to remove them!

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