26 Fate

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Captain Eldrin had at last taken upon himself another task that did not involve Maeyune

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Captain Eldrin had at last taken upon himself another task that did not involve Maeyune. He flashed her a final grin before he left her with the others in the common area.

She wondered how someone could possess such confidence. Then again, there were Meera and Trix. And Jaysek. And Reo.

She distracted herself with thoughts of the Wobeck.

By now, the Wobeck should have noticed the absence of the dragon gods.  In spite of that, they had disappeared, either no longer airborne or had managed to evade all sky sensors. And there were no other reported attacks from around the world.

Why cease their attack and then vanish? she wondered.

Did they know about her and Reo?

She and Reo had already destroyed one of the Wobeck's large ships. That had to have captured their attention. If reports from Suolan were correct and the ships had set their eyes on Bera, then she needed to return.

The plan now was to find a way to lure the Wobeck into Bera's Great Desert, far from innocent life.

Traveling via ground would have provided more cover, but an aircraft would cut the time in half. Maeyune and the others now waited for their Nomenian transport to arrive, to fly them to the Beran border in order to transfer into Beran territory.

When Maeyune entered the common area of the rebel hideout, she heard the conversation passing between Trix and Deric.

They, along with Jaysek, were seated at one of the room's rusty tables. Aerylis, like usual, stood apart from the rest, leaning against the door at the far side of the room and keeping to herself.

In his teeth, Trix twirled the long piece of licorice that he had "freed" from an unsuspecting rebel earlier. Maeyune didn't think it was worthy of a reprimand. He had never renounced his old habits of thievery, but at least he favored candy now rather than the occasional diamond earring.

Deric held his chin in his hand, and he was clearly struggling to fight sleep. Since the invasion, they had spared little time for rest. The sun had already begun its morning ascent.

"Mae's never the type to oppose her destiny," Trix was saying. He noticed the subject of his conversation walk in, and grinned.

"See, Reo's like the complete opposite," Deric muttered. He yielded a yawn before continuing, "He's always saying how everyone has a choice, even him, despite being Yunra's chosen warrior."

The land celestial glanced over at Maeyune. "Seems like fate, though, don't you think?" he asked her. "You know, moon and sun, you and Reo. Together. It can't be any more obvious than that."

"Like soulmates," Trix added, smirking. "Quite literally."

"It's not like that," Maeyune replied in haste.

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