40 Origin (Part 1)

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A fool--that was who the sun warrior was

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A fool--that was who the sun warrior was. A maddening, utter fool.

After the Overlord had left, Maeyune had felt the ship begin to move again, setting for some unknown destination. Jaysek had exited the room shortly after, and with both moon and sun warriors alone inside their own contraptions, there was nothing they could do.

About half an hour had passed since Reo had surrendered himself. But it had taken only five minutes for Maeyune to feel despondency creep in. What had once been relief at seeing Reo--now turned to gnawing frustration. She had forced herself to try and move past that nightmare of seeing him with the dagger in her aunt's back, but that wasn't what irritated her now.

Even though she held some admiration for Reo in his attempt to rescue her, it shouldn't have ended with him captured, too. But then again, she should have expected it.

Reo carried the life force and power of the Sun Goddess. Yunra was a symbol of fiery ferocity, of courage and unyielding determination. Reo's way of thinking, his attitude, his perspective--all of it was a reflection of the golden dragon.

Maeyune was well aware of his tendencies to charge into a fight without preparation, so his attack on the Wobeck ship by himself had not surprised her. Had he left the battle in Pride Canyon to come save her? Had he informed anyone of what had happened to her? Did anyone else know where he had gone to?

That half hour of silence was long enough for her to come to the conclusion: when no further attempts of rescue were made against the ship, she knew that they were alone. She thought of Meera, Clover, Derick and the forest recon team who had been left behind. She hoped that they had managed to reach safety and were still alive.

Maeyune sighed.

Reo must have heard her sound of exasperation, because he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Did you not, for once, think you were falling into a trap?" she questioned flatly.

"Did you?"

She couldn't tell if he was offering a quip or if he was being serious.

She swivelled her head to look at him. The side of his face where Jaysek had punched him bore the hint of a bruise, but not as ugly as the one he must have given Jaysek. His healing power, albiet hampered by the machine, might have helped during the past half hour.

Reo went on without waiting for her answer. "I felt you dying," he mumbled. "I kind of thought it was urgent."

His words danced in her mind.

I felt you dying

When miles and miles of desert had lain between them, he had felt her. She couldn't imagine what sort of feeling that was.

This machine--it had sent her life force into Vaius to find Reo, to find his familiar aura, to find Yunra. She had traveled to Reo in a matter of seconds when it would have taken hours by aircraft. It was what the Overlord had used to bait Reo into coming in the first place.

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