The Fire

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It all started on this one faithless day. The day that Sapphire Jewel became Sapphire Ruby and her life changed forever.

Sapphire Jewel and her sister, Ruby Jewel, had been on their way to school when an aquamarine pegasus caught up with the unicorn sisters. She brought with her grave news. Grave indeed, it was, for their parents had been killed by a fire that had started a few minutes after they had raced out of the house to get to school. Everypony thought that it was a fast-spreading cooking fire. Sapphire and Ruby both came to tears at the news of their parents.

"I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you. You're parents were such good ponies. I have an idea." The Pegasus said. "How about I get you two something to make you feel better, okay?" She asked. Her yellow mane draped to the side, and her green eyes held great sorry for them. She was no older than Sapphire.

Sapphire nodded at the pegasus. "O-okay..." sapphire swallowed painfully. She pulled her sister close to herself and sniffled. She had closed her eyes, but opened them again at her little sister's voice.

"A-are they really gone?" Ruby asked. She was just a little red unicorn filly of nine with a magenta mane and eyes to match Rainbow Dash's.

"There's... only one way to know..." Sapphire said. She was about twelve years old. She was a teal unicorn with a light and dark blue mane and light blue eyes. She stood up from her sitting position and looked to her sister. She picked her up with her magic and placed her on top of her back, over her saddle bags.

Ruby wiped an eye as she sat on her sisters back, watching as they neared a cloud of black smoke that was further downtown. "I-I don't want to..." Ruby said, knowing that it was true as her heart beat furiously from pain. Sapphire could feel her heart beating hard as Ruby wrapped her legs around her chest and neck lightly.

Sapphire stopped, she knew it was true too. She turned away from their once beautiful house as a tear fell from her cheek. She placed her hoofs firmly on the ground and took a deep breath. It is my turn now to take charge. I must protect my sister at all costs. But I... I need their help... I can't do this alone... She thought and fell to her knees, crying.

Sapphire and Ruby made it to the Ponyville schoolyard and found that they had about three minutes left. Sapphire opened the door to the school and noticed the same pegasus from earlier talking to Cheerilee. She let Ruby in before she moved to her own desk. She watched Ruby take her seat and looked to Cheerilee as she came up to them. She held sadness and a look of sympathy in her eyes.

Cheerilee looked to the teal unicorn with a saddened look. "I am so sorry for your girls's loss." She said.

"Don't be... It wasn't your fault..." Sapphire said, looking down to her desk. A tear ran down her face as she looked to her own flank. It was still blank, much like Applejack's. That is why she hung out with her, because everypony always made fun of her for not having her cutie mark yet at her age. But this day was different. Nopony made fun of her, nor did they look at her. They all heard the story from the pegasus and couldn't bring themselves to apologize or even talk to her. All except one.

Applejack moved to the two and stood next to Cheerilee. "Ah'm mighty sorry fer what's happened... Ah know how it feels... Ma dad, he was killed by a falling tree, and my mom died of depression. She got sick and didn't live through it." Applejack said, as if it hardly phased her, except for the look on her face.

Sapphire was about to say something comforting when Applejack looked up and smiled. "But that was a long time ago. We should do somethin' after school ta make ya feel better." She said, then hugged Sapphire.

Sapphire felt like crying when Applejack hugged her. She didn't want to look like a weakling in front of her whole class though, so she kept her stoic expression. "Sounds fun. I guess we could do that... After school..." She said, her voice slightly quavering. She took a breath and listened to the morning bell ringing.

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