The Great City

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Sapphire woke up with the stars shining and the moon high in the night sky.

She painfully brought herself to her hooves, wincing as she did. Every part of her body ached, and her head was pounding. The thing that hurt the most, though, was her horn.

But she couldn't let this stop her. She had to get to Luna. Only then could she return it safely and be rid of the horrid thing.

Maybe then this pony will quit chasing her.

Maybe she could bring her sister back.

Sapphire shook her head and looked to the sky. The twinkling stars made her smile. The moon was also very beautiful tonight. She sighed, stood the rest of the way, then stumbled forward as she continued her journey.

The rest of the night was uneventful except for her stopping to rest. The climb up the mountain was absolute torture. She was beyond exhausted at this point, but through determination, she reached the train station.

She was so tired, and it had taken a few hours to get there, but now she was here. She peered inside the station booth, but nopony was there. She looked around for anypony before she teleported to the other side of the glass.

She found that it was still rather warm and cozy, so she found an empty sack to lay down on. She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly.

The sound of a latch being thrown jolted her awake, and she had to think quickly. She glanced outside for a split second, then noticed that it was still early morning. She hadn't gotten much rest.

She sighed and stood quickly as she teleported to the other side of the glass again, then acted as if she were just walking by.

She hoped she had not been seen.

She continued to walk, then found the nearest inn. She hadn't been looking long before she found it. Sapphire opened the door, peering inside.

"Welcome. How may I help you this morning?" The mare asked. Her mane was a pretty lavender color while her coat was a gorgeous teal. And her wings had jewels seemingly pierced into them.

Sapphire found it odd, but didn't care enough to give it too much thought. "Please, just a room. I am so tired." She said.

"I could imagine." She smiled.

"What?" Sapphire asked, suddenly suspicious of her.

"Well, you look rather beat down." She smiled.

"And how would you know?" Sapphire glared. She took a battle stance before she could get caught off-guard.

"What? N-no, I was just- I apologize. I didn't know, ma'am." The mare spat out quickly, recoiling in fear.

"Sorry... I had a rough night." Sapphire groaned. She placed five vits for the trouble she caused and three for the rooom.

"The room is only three-"

"For the scare. I'm not taking it back." She said as she headed up the stairs.

The mare down stairs held her hoof at her heart as Sapphire disappeared up the steps. She looked terrified.

Sapphire opened the door she was to stay in and smiled as she saw the comfy bed. "I am gonna love this." She said, plopping down, instantly sleeping.

Sapphire had slept most of the day. In fact, Sunset was upon them. She stretched and looked out the window to see the magnificent ending of the day.

It was a good thing she got a lot of rest. She sure had a lot of explaining to do when she got there.

Sapphire set off, making her way through the expansive city. She sighed, not wanting to get lost. Then she reached the town square. The large fountain in the middle was the only sound she could hear. The pouring water coming from a sculpture of Celestia.

She sighed, looking to the castle that she could now see. "That's good. Just keep heading North-East. This would be so much easier as a Pegasus." Sapphire sighed, then froze.

"Yes, it would be and would have been." A manly voice sounded from behind her.

She spun around, finding three figures standing there, all dressed in dark cloaks.

"It seems as though manipulation and murder has not worked. Well, mostly. Guess it isn't hard to fool somepony who hasn't been around for what, two years?" The stallion asked.

"Who are you three?" Sapphire asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, first..." The stallion in the middle stepped forward, then removed his cloak. Not a unicorn. But he still didn't lift a hoof to remove it. "I am Shadow Nexus"

The other two stepped forward, lifting their hooves to remove the cloaks.

Sapphire gasped in horror as she saw the two mares' faces standing before her. She instantly knew them. Ponies she had seen before. Known before. And now they stood in front of her, blocking her path.

"But... Why?" She asked as the tears welled in her eyes.

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