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Sapphire gasped. The mare that stood by a nearby tree sounded familiar, but she couldn't place it, as she wore a hooded cloak and mask. "And just what do you mean, you don't think so?"

The mare pushed off the tree, approaching Sapphire. "I mean, I am going to take it from you. Dead or alive." She said menacingly. "I killed the rest of your family. Well, most of it. You did the honors with your sister." She said, laughing slightly.

Sapphire felt her heart drop. How could this pony have known? And did she crash the train? But what is she doing here?

"H-how did you-" Sapphire started.

"I followed you." The mare said plainly.

"I was on the train... Were you..?" Sapphire's voice faded.

"I was there. I was always there." The mare said, stepping forward. "But you weren't supposed to be!" The mare sounded angry.

"Wh-what do you mean I wasn't supposed to be?" Sapphire asked quietly.

There was a pause before the mare spoke. And when she did, she was fuming.

"I started the fires! I burned your parents' house! I hit the windmill with the lightning! I crashed your train! How are you so hard to kill!?" She asked angrily, almost screaming.

Something changed then in Sapphire. Her demeanor was no longer that of the innocent sounding mare.

"Because..." Sapphire started, holding the glare,"I am Sapphire Jewel, daughter of Onyx and Topaz Jewel. They would've wanted me to go on. And obviously, my father was hiding this book from you." She said, standing her ground.

"Huh. You really do have your father's determination and your mother's fierceness. And you certainly got both of their smarts. Too bad they are going to be wasted right here, because we need that book." The mare growled, lifting her boot covered hoof up.

Sapphire looked around as ponies came from the trees, starting to surround her. "Come on, just give it up and we won't hurt you." One of the ponies said, obviously male.

"No. I won't." She glared at the ponies.

"So be it." The mare said, sighing. "I didn't want it to come to this, Saph." The pony said, flicking her yellow tail, prompting the others to attack. This caused Sapphire to recoil for a moment.

'What should I do?' She asked herself. 'I have no choice!' She glared, emitting a radar-like magic, seeing them all. It was a bit much, but she could do it.

Then she created a blade of dark magic, readying it.

Then the first pony attacked, lunging forward with a rapier, striking fast. Their swords clashed and the pony parried. But Sapphire was read. Another blade flew from the other side of her, piercing the chest of the pony.

Two more ponies closed in, both with what seemed like clubs. They struck in unison, but Sapphire ducked and rolled out of the way. She flung one of the swords, going straight through the side of the first pony.

The second pony dodge her blade, lifting herself with her wings, flinging downwards small kunai. Sapphire created a shield, protecting herself from the sharp objects. As she released the shield, she was lunged to the side as the pegasi's blade dug into her shoulder down her side.

She extended her hoof and a blade matching her opponent's formed, attached to her. She struck in unison with her enemy, sending sparks flying. Another blade flew out from Sapphire's side, but the pony ducked and rolled under it, swiping upwards, swishing through the air as Sapphire teleported. She appeared above her enemy, coming down with the blade, connecting with the ground.

The pony's eyes went wide, then blood started to poor from her throat, then all around as her head slid off of her neck.

She watched as the head fell, but she didn't flinch like normal. She felt... happy. Like it was a fun game. Yet she still didn't feel completely in control.

'W-what are you doing, Sapphire?' Ruby asked.

'Having a little fun, can't you see, girl?' Sapphire asked. But at the same time it didn't sound completely like her.

Ruby silenced herself, watching through Sapphire's eyes as the head hit the ground. Sapphire dispersed the magic swords. She looked around, trying to find the last one. But she was gone. She must have left.

She sighed, looking down at her side.

"Oh..." She had a dagger stuck in her. She must not have noticed it at first through all of the adrenaline.

Suddenly the adrenaline switch turned off and the searing pain burned through her side, causing her to take a knee.

She knew what to do. She quickly opened her saddlebags and brought out the white book. She quickly chanted a spell that was to be used for quick healing. It would still take about thirty seconds.

It was a battle spell and was a good thing if you knew how to dodge well. The spell pushed the blade out as she waited for the spell to finish. After the bleeding stopped, she took a deep breath as the pain started to slowly ebb away.

Then she stood and stared at the luxurious city on the mountain. "I really don't wanna walk..." She whined, seemingly a little more herself.

She started to walk, then a wave of exhaustion blew over her.

"Oh." Sapphire panted out as she fell to the ground.

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