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Sapphire's eyes slowly drifted open and her body hurt all over. She had a few burn marks on her, but was otherwise okay. She slowly tried to get up, but stopped at the feeling of a soft bed. She looked around and noticed that she was in an infirmary.

Slowly, she brought her gaze to her saddlebags, and internally freaked out. 'What if they went through my things!? What if they took my books!?' She thought.

''Would ya quit yelling? I am trying to sleep.' Ruby groaned in Sapphire's mind.

'But my book!' Sapphire thought.

'If it were gone, good riddance. That thing is what got us into this mess in the first place. Wouldn't be soon enough that it disappeared' Ruby said obviously angry.

Sapphire remained silent, then sighed. She used her magic to pry around in the bag and felt one of the books resonate back. She knew which book it was. And she almost felt happy. Then something washed over her. She didn't want to let go of the last piece of her father she had left. She liked that Zecora would go to such lengths to keep her safe. But even if she didn't have to use her father's book again, she still wanted it there. So she had to find it.

She closed her eyes and conjured an invisible prying eye, searching the castle. She looked through the kitchen, mainly to see what they were making and how she could grab some, then she looked through the library. The search there took quite some time, despite her quickly moving eyes.

She had been searching for nearly half an hour when she came across the only door she hadn't looked behind. And for some reason, she could not enter. Then a voice echoed inside of her.

"Come to me, child. I have what it is you seek. We must speak."

There was no doubting it. This was Luna's room. And she was calling to her. Sapphire was curious as she dispelled her prying eye and sat up. Could she be angry? Or maybe she has something urgent to speak of. Either way, she had to go.

Sapphire groaned as she slowly rolled out of bed. As she hit the floor, she brought her saddlebags onto her back. Almost instantly, a nurse was by her side, helping her.

"Oh no, you musn't get up. You have been asleep for a few days. You must feel weak. Please, get back on the bed." She said.

Sapphire did feel weak. But she also knew that if she didn't get up, she would have to wait even longer to get back to her book. She pulled all of her strength from the core to stand against the nurse. "No. I am fine. I can walk." She said, stumbling forward.

"Ma'am, if you don't get back on your bed, I will have to get others to help me." The nurse said.

"Try it." Sapphire said, a flash of hostility showing in her eyes. This got the nurse to back off.

"Fine. If you get hurt, I won't help you." She said.

"Good." Sapphire said, limping towards the door. As she limped away, the nurse turned to another nurse who glanced at Sapphire then moved out of sight past all of the medical equipment and bed screens.

Sapphire hastened her hobble, following the path her wandering eye took. She even slipped her way through the library. She found herself stopping at nearly ever hall. It looked even more interesting in person. She found herself in awe of the amazing collection of books. She had to come by and check this place out again.

Suddenly, she heard the library doors open and she instantly dropped. She could hear the clattering of armor and voices talking quietly. She could make out "Has anyone come in?" and "Search the back."

She knew she had to find a way out. There would be a few moments before she could be seen, so she had to think. Her horn glowed for a second and an invisible pulse that could only be seen by her. She focused to see if there were any hidden pathways she could go through. And to her surprise, there were too many to count. Unfortunately, there were not any within her immediate vicinity.

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