Just let them go.

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Justins POV

Seriously, this dude needed to get lost. I mean just let the damn woman go, what has she done to him? I was now tied up on the floor next to (Y/Ns) mum. 'Look how about you just le-' he punched me in the face. I'm sure my nose was now bleeding. 'What did I just say?' his breath stank as he came closer to my face. I looked down and started thinking, how would I warn (Y/N) and (Y/Fs/N)? As soon as they walk through that door he's gonna grab her and she will be forced into doing something, horrible and disgusting. The thought of what he could make her do was starting to make me feel sick. I looked to my right and saw tears falling from (Y/Ns) mums eyes. Slowly, I lifted my head to see if any of the men were looking at us, they wasn't 'Hey, don't worry. We will get out of this and that man will be gone for good. Just hang in there and do what he says, even if you really don't want to. He'll pay for this eventually.' I smiled slightly and she returned it. We sat there in silence for what felt like days after this. 

(Y/Ns) POV

I sat down on a bench and cried, I didn't care about what people thought I just couldn't take it anymore. (Y/Fs/N) was sitting next to me gently rubbing my back. 'What's wrong?' she asked with sympathy in her voice. I shook my head not ready to talk, she sighed and stood up. 'Listen, what I think you need is a girls night in with cheesy movies and popcorn' she gestured for me to take her hand.'I stood up and took it as she pulled me out of the shopping centre and took me to her car.(Y/Fs/N) started the car and Ed sheeran 'Lego house' came on, it's one of my favourite songs so it kinda cheered me up a bit. We sang along laughing and joking about the fact we sounded like freaks. As we pulled up to our drive my heart skipped a beat. 'Oh no.' I said jumping out of the car. 'What?' (Y/Fs/N) asked confused. I bolted to the door and fumbled for my keys. Unlocking, it I looked over to (Y/Fs/N) and gave her a sorrowful look then stepped in. My eyes filled with tears when I see the damage he had done to my house. 'How could he' i barely managed a whisper. All of my photo frames had been smashed and thrown to the floor, my walls had been scratched and the wallpaper had been torn off. Everything, he could have done to destroy my house he had done. I then walked into the living room half expecting there not to be a room in there, to find the most horrific thing yet. There tied up on the floor in front of me was my mum and Justin. 'LET THEM GO!' I screamed and ran towards Bill. Two sets of strong arms grabbed me and I as once vulnerable to this poor excuse of a man. He simply chuckled and took a step closer to me, I struggled against the two monsters who were holding on to me but it was useless. 'Now sweetie, if you're a nice little girl and do as I say maybe...just maybe I might let them go.' He started to bring his head closer to me until I could feel him breathing on my neck. 'What do you want from me?' I tried to be brave but my voice broke a little. 'Oh it's not what I want from you. It's what I want you to do.' I was a little confused by this. The man to my left started to speak 'But sir isn't that the same thing?' he asked in a very strong cockney accent. 'Shut up Stan!' Bill shouted at him. Stan whimpered and looked down. 'Now (Y/N), what I want is for you to call up that ex boyfriend of yours and tell him to meet you here on Saturday, you have three days.' I shook my head as much as I love Justin I don't want Cody to get hurt! He was a good boyfriend and had a really sweet heart, he doesn't deserve to get hurt. 'What was that? Did you say no?' Bill came closer than suddenly turned round to face my mum and Justin. 'Hmm which one should get it first do you think Stan?' Bill whipped out a knie and held it out in front of them. Stan started to shake a little bit then stuttered 'I don't know sir'. Tears threatened to fall so I quickly spoke up' Don't hurt them! I'll do it!' Bill smiled and walked past me, The two men went over to my mother and Justin and dragged them towards the door. I looked towards him and my face fell 'I love you' I said as he was dragged into the car. I was about to run after him but (Y/Fs/N) pulled me back. 'I have to go! They need me, I can't let them go I love them (Y/Fs/N)!' she simply nodded but pulled me back into what we once called our home which was now a dump site. 

Justins POV

'I love you' she said as I was dragged out of the house. That was the first time she'd ever said it like she meant it, other times she would say it jokingly but today was different. I'm scared, I mean what if I never see her again, what if I don't and I didn't even tell her I loved her too! I was sitting in the back of the car with (Y/Ns) mum. She was looking at me with her eyes as if she was asking for help. I knew there was nothing I could do to help myself in this situation let alone anybody else! 'Justin' she whispered. I turned my head to face her, 'Promise me Justin, that no matter what this man does to you, you won't give up on my daughter. She's strong and she will get you out of this. I know I won't come out of this messed up deal or agreement alive, but you will. My daughter loves you Justin, don't forget that. ' 


A/N Sorry I haven't updated in ages!! But here it is anyway! Yeah I know it's not that long but I thought it would be better short than nothing at all:)) So tell me what you think and if you have any ideas for the story please tell me! I need a new character as well so if you would like to be in the story inbox me or leave a comment telling me. Anyway thanks for reading! x

Different Paths -Justin Bieber and (Y/N) <3Where stories live. Discover now