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Justin's POV

As soon as the line went dead I picked my keys up and ran to my car. If Cody called me it's got to be serious. He hates my guts. I'm an idiot, I've been to visit (y/n) once over the past three months. After what we've been through it must seem like I don't give a crap about her. I do.
I love (y/n)! But my head is so messed up right now I can't think straight I've been pulling girls constantly since she went into a coma. The girl I brought home last night is no stranger though. It was Selena. No matter how hard I try I can never just forget about her,she's truly one of a kind. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm a total failure.

It took me five minutes to get to the hospital. I parked and sprinted to the check in. 'Hellomissimlookingfor(y/f/n)'
'Sorry, could you please repeat yourself sir?'
'Im looking for (y/f/n)!'
'Floor two, room 39'
I ran off not saying anything.

Codys POV
I stared in at the nurses and doctors frantically working on (y/n). My heart was pounding. I started playing with my hands and tapping my foot. I do this when I'm nervous. Suddenly, the door to the waiting room burst open and in ran Justin. 'You took your time moron!' I stood up pushing Justin back.
'Dude I came as quick as I could! I left as soon as you hung up!' He shouted back.
'Im not on about that Justin! It's been 3 months! Three months since you last came to visit her! The day after she first came in! Do you know how much she loved you! You were her everything and yet you didn't even give a crap! Cause all you ever care about is yourself Justin. You're a pig. The last 3 months all you've done is hook up with random girls from nightclubs!'he was starting to annoy me now.

'Thats not all I've done! I love her Cody! It's just my heads been a mess, I can't think straight SHES ALL I WANT! NOBODY ELSE! Just leave me the hell alone. You'll never know what I've been through.' He barged past me to go and sit down.

'You're a liar Justin,and you know it.' I stared him straight in the eyes.
'Selena is the one you want. You was with her all last night. I bet you didn't even think about (y/n) once.'
'How do you know I was with her?' His eyes widened.

'She text me saying how she needed 'a man' and I'm not going to cut it. She said you was the one for her and that I shouldn't think about calling cause she'd be with you. That bitch was who I broke (y/n)'s heart for. I was so stupid.

Justin stared at the floor in disbelief. At this point I couldn't care less what he had to say for himself. (Y/N) was my main focus. We sat in silence for however long it was until a nurse with blonde hair and brown eyes came out and smiled at us. 'Shes stable, she's showing some signs of consciousness so we expect she should wake up within the next three to four days.'

'Thank you so much!' I ran and hugged the nurse, overwhelmed with happiness. I dropped to the ground and sobbed. I felt a pat on the shoulder and then footsteps gradually fading. I looked up to see Justin disappear out of the waiting room door.

(A/N) Thank you guys so much for 12k! I love you's sooo much! Like wow. :D
By the way id just like to say, I love Selena so no hate was intended on her. It's just for the story and for drama. Also no hate on Justin even though he's being a douche right now 😟hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll update soon! Xx

Different Paths -Justin Bieber and (Y/N) <3Where stories live. Discover now