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Your POV

As I watched the car slowly drive away I felt the tears falling from my eyes. 'Why is he doing this?' I asked myself whilst looking down at the floor. (Y/Fs/N) lifted my chin and said 'We need to call Cody. If you want your mum and Justin to be okay then thats what you have to do okay?'. I simply stared at her for a second then walked past her into the living room. I sat down on the floor (since my chairs and everything else in the room had either been broken or turned over) and took out my phone. I quickly found Cody's contact and pressed dial. I waited for a seconds listening to it ring before I heard a groggy voice come through the phone 'What do you want?' douche bag. (Y/Fs/N) came and sat next to me and took the phone before I could resist. 'Listen idiot. Do me a favour and get over yourself! (Y/N) and I need you to come down here right now! It's an emergency.' (Y/Fs/N) shouted down the phone. There was silence for a few seconds until we heard a 'hmmmph, i'll be there in ten!' the line went dead and (Y/Fs/N) and I just looked at eachother half worried half relieved. 

Justins POV 

We had been driving for like fifteen minutes before we started coming to a stop. (Y/Ns) mum had been staring out the window almost as if she was seeing something interesting. The three men jumped up out of the car and walked round to our doors. 'Stan you take the female here and you take the other one' I heard Bill say before stomping off towards a garage? Our doors opened and I was grabbed by strong arms and pulled out of the car, my hands were still tied so there was no way I could've got away. I was then lifted up by my shirt collar and made to stand by the idiot who just dropped me. The guy who was called stan seemed to be, being more gentle with (Y/Ns) mother than the other dude was being with me...' Right bring em in!' Bill shouted at his two cronies and (Y/Ns) mum and I were blindfolded and dragged to the garage...

Your POV

Waiting for Cody to come seemed like the longest fifteen minutes of my life. Finally, my doorbell rung and I rushed over to get it. For the first time in like what is it four months? Cody and I locked eyes, as much as I love Justin I really did miss Cody and how good we were together. I didn't even realise what we were doing until (Y/Fs/N) cleared her throat. 'Oh come in' I motioned for him to come in, then closed the door behind him. 'What happened here?' he asked looking around at my new dumpsite 'Are you okay did you get robbed?' he asked looking straight at me with concern plastered all over his face. I sighed and replied 'If by okay you mean feeling like everything has been taken from you and you have nothing left to live for than sure i'm great!' I said looking at (Y/Fs/N). Cody looked slightly confused so I continued on 'Well theres this horrible,disgusting man called Bill and h-h-he er-' Cody put his hand on my shoulder and I broke down crying again as thoughts of what Bill could put the most important people in my life through. I was crying to myself when I felt Cody's arms around me pulling me into a bear hug. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes before I pulled away, I looked to (Y/Fs/N) and said 'Can you explain please, I can't do it' she nodded as I went over by the wall and sat against it. As she finished telling Cody the details of what had been going on he looked quite shocked and scared at the same time. 'So what does he want me for?' he asked looking from me to (Y/Fs/N). We then looked at eachother then looked back at Cody 'See that's the problem, we don't know.' I said looking him dead in the eye. Cody sat down and stared at the ground, I looked over to where my table used to be and saw Justin's phone lying on the floor next to it. We're screwed. We have no way of contacting him and bill is capable of many things, I honestly feel like I want to die. 'Okay fine I'll come on Saturday. But I'll come with bodyguards.' 

'I'm not sure that'll work' (Y/Fs/N) said looking from me to Cody. 'Bill said just Cody. He's guaranteed to turn straight back around if he sees bodyguards surrounding Cody and we will never know where Justin and your mother is' she stated, whilst playing with her fingers, she seems to do that alot when she's nervous. 'Then we need to come up with a plan, because Justins famous people will soon start to notice he's missing, like pretty fast. Then the likelihood is that Bill will just kill-' 

'Don't say that!' I said cutting (Y/Fs/N) off. 'He won't die and neither will my mum we just have to try and stay calm and think about what we need to do here.' I looked towards Cody who nodded in agreement. We all sat there in silence not knowing what to say or do when randomly out of the blue there was a knock on the door...

Justins POV

When we were taken into the garage we were told to sat down and if we 'behaved ourselves' they might untie our hands. We did as we were told and waited for someone to speak. I felt like I was waiting to die, although I knew he wouldn't do anything of the sort..yet. He wants something from Cody and (Y/N) and he's going to get it no matter what it takes. There was a loud bang and darkness surrounds me.  My head feels numb. Was there a power cut or something? 

Or am I dead? 


Sorry this isn't the best chapter I've ever done but I have literally no clue where I'm going with this so don't take it to seriously! I will update soon but thanks for reading anyway and let me know what you think! Do you think Cody still has feelings for (Y/N);) or do you just think he's protective?  

Different Paths -Justin Bieber and (Y/N) <3Where stories live. Discover now