Chapter 5

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I apologise to the, what is it now 15, of you who read this. My updates for it are slow but that's sort of because I am attempting to make this good. I also apologise for how weirdly I switch between third and first POV through out the last few chapters and probably the rest of the book.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or simply leave your thoughts and likes/dislikes.


“No, no, no, no” Bilbo shakily protested to Thorin's sudden acceptance of him into the company. Though it was obvious that Master Oakenshield approved of bringing the hobbit along about as much as he did me, being a dwarrowdam and all.

“Give him the contract!” Thorin called to Balin who was already digging through his pockets for said parchment.

“Please,” Bilbo tried desperately but was spoken over as Bofur announced.

“Alright, we’re off”

Balin took this distraction as a chance to launch into the explanation and get the contract signed. “It’s just the usual summary of out-of-pocket expenses, time required, remunerations, funeral arrangements, so forth.”

“F-funeral arrangements!” Our host went incredibly wide eyed as the extremely long parchment unfolded before him.

With Bilbo stepping back a bit to read the contract I caught a bit of what I assumed to be the same sort of conversation Thorin and Balin had about me, directed at Gandalf. “I can not guarantee his safety.

“Understood.” The wizard answered gruffly. Nothing above a whisper.

“Nor will I be responsible for his fate.”  Thorin added in a final tone.

A sigh escaped Gandalf, “Agreed” However my attention was soon drawn away from the pair as the hobbit began to read the contract aloud.

“Terms: cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding one fourteenth of total profit, if any…” this made sense as my commissions would be paid for depending on how they deem the quality of my work and not simply as a share of the treasure, it would fall to me too keep a approximation of my total costs for weapons repairs and get redeemed for them later. “ Seems fair,” he continued “Present company shall not be liable for any injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof including … Lacerations…. Eviscerations…” Bilbo's eyebrows had furrowed at this point “Incineration!?”

“Oh aye,” Bofur had once again decided to have some fun with our squeamish host “He’ll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye.”

At this Bilbo looked a bit breathless, “you all right there laddie?” Balin inquired. The hobbit bending over a bit, looking ill.

“Uh, yeah… Feel a bit faint”

“Think Furnace with wings” Bofur suggested making a sort of flying motion with his hands.

“Air...I-I-I need air.”

However it would seem the hatted dwarf didn’t quite get the que to stop, “Flash of light, searing pain, the Poof!” he added dramatically “You're nothing more than a pile of ash.”

After a moment of fighting for composure Bilbo stops. “Hmmm, Nope” and promptly falls to the floor in a dead faint.

“Don't you think that was a bit much” I addressed the dwarf who caused this.

“Ah, very helpful Bofur” Gandalf muttered along with me as he made to move Master Baggins into the other room, calling over the Durin boys to help him.

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