chapter 6

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IM SOOOO SORRY! A lot as been going on in life lately and I would have completely forgot about this story if not for your guys comments and asking for updates.
Please enjoy this chapter I don't know when I'll get the next one out ....                TRACKHER.🛤️🏆

We had reached a nice little wooded area near the border of the Shire, the trees shade offering the company a small bit of protection from the sun's harmful rays. Conversation turned quickly from making bets to discussing when it’s safe to assume the hobbit would not show.

    “Honestly this was a waste of time,” one of my companions said from not far behind me. “If we had known the halfling would refuse the company could have met up somewhere closer along our journey, cut our travel time down quite a bit I reckon.”  

    “Yet we did not know,” the companies wizard addressed calmly. “And we still do not, for our young Hobbit may make an appearance yet.”

    “Well I say if he’s not here by the time we leave Hobbit territory, you get me my money,” Nori exclaimed impatiently. “I have no intentions to wait an entire journey before  receiving proper pay.”

    Murmurs went around the company, many agreeing with Nori’s statement or complaining about the hobbit who had housed them just hours before. I had just prepared myself to call them out of their rudeness, after all the halfling had acted as host to 14, not including herself of course, unexpected and rowdy guests without an inkling as to why for the good portion of the night. However before I had gotten the chance a shout from behind resounded through the wooden clearing.

    “Wait! Wait!.” Turning in the saddle I watched Bilbo’s stout figure race across the path we had trod just moments before. Calling our ponies to a halt, we allowed the racing Hobbit the chance to catch up. Panting heavily as he arrived he took a breath, hands on his knees, before standing straight and waving the contract I had left for him up to Balin. “I signed it!”

    Balin, taking out his pocket glass, carefully looked over the parchment before humming in satisfaction. “Everything appears to be in order.” He announced to the rest the dwarves, “Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”

    Cheers rang through those of us who had won the betting pool, Thorin being the only one not in good humor. His unimpressed expression spoke volumes of his disapproval. “Give him a pony,” he grumbled unhappily. His gold chain necklace swaying as he turned back around and spurred his mount onward, fully expecting the rest to follow.

    “No, no, no, no,” Bilbo started his usual rounds of protest. “That-that won’t be necessary, thank you, but I-I’m I can keep up on foot. I-I-I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton onc-WAGH” The young princes cut the poor hobbit off with a swiftly executed act of teamwork. Gripping the back of Bilbo’s shirt he was hauled up and unceremoniously plopped a top the, up til that point, riderless supply pony.  

    “Word of advice Master Baggins.” I called to him from my position in the center of the caravan , “The more one protests ,the less likely one is to get their way while in the company of dwarves. Now I do hope you suppress that habit of waking after sunrise, we wouldn’t want a repeat of today's events later on, now would we?”  Said hobbits ears went a deep cherry in color as he squeaked out a ‘yes ma’am’ and turned to make conversation with the resident gray wizard.

    “Come on Nori, pay up.” Ori’s voice sounded, a bit scoldingly as the boy hesitated. “Go on!”

Nori, sending a bag of coins over to Oin, whom he had betted against, set off the chain reaction and within moments money was being tossed from one dwarf to another.  Catching my pay, which had been grudgingly been thrown in my direction, I measured it in my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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