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As Isabella fell asleep the boys went home, to rest or upload. She was fine and there was no need for them to stay the night.

Nordan was the one driving them back, they talked about how perfect the little one looked. The entire car ride, Nordan and Apex kept their mouths shut, until they got home.
Everyone rushed to their rooms, after a shower Rain made his way to his best friend room.

"Can I come in?" Apex quickly said yes, knowing what he would have to deal with.
The boy opened the door and sat on his friend bed. Facing him. Not saying a single word. He was trying to form words.

"What the hell was that on the hospital Apex?" Nordan finally managed to say.

The short boy ran his hand though his beard. "You've been ignoring her dude! I though you didn't want to have anything else to do with that baby, besides you have a girlfriend. And you're not the father."

Rain faced his best friend, those words made him mad. He wished he was the father, he wished that he was her boyfriend, he wanted to be apart of her life forever, apex got up standing next to his friend just trying to help the situation but Nordan pushed him away.

"You are in love with her! I can't see that in your face" Rain almost screamed.

"You ignored her Nordan, she needed someone!"

"She's mine" he got up.

"She is nothing more than your best friend Nordan, she deserves to be loved and right now I think she needs me" Apex faced Nordan.

Both now standing up, Apex faced Nordan he was confident that his best friend would accept that he loved her and he wanted to make her happy but Nordan turned his back and left the room rushing over to his closing the door shut.

All of the rest tried to talk to Nordan but he refused to talk to anyone. Until Isabella came in, Tommy picked her up from the hospital. She asked Lucas if he could take care of the baby without excitation he said yes pacing the little human on his bed so as his sloths.
Apex came back from the gym, he seemed stressed and the girl called his name but he refused to face her. She sight making her way to Nordan's room. After a while he opened the door.

"I don't want to talk" Was all that the girl heard.

"Not even with your best friend?" Nordan faced her, he was not paying attention when he opened the door and his eyes were lost on her face appreciating how perfect she looked with no make-up, her hair falling down her back, her messy t-shirt and some sweatpants.
He hugged her, not saying a word they stayed like that for a while. She tried to insist one more time and Nordan broke, he sat on his chair while she was on the edge of his bed.
He told her what Apex done and how much that hurt him. She just smiled.

"Nordan, it's okay for them to care! Remember I used to spend so many hours with you all in New York you know me well, they are all my family and so do you" She went on, explaining that Apex possibly did that to avoid a huge fight between Nordan and his girlfriend.

"I don't love her!" Nordan whispered.

"You...what?" She didn't understood.

"Nothing" he faced her. His hair falling down with his perfect curls, a wrinkled t-shirt and sports shots. She loved him, she could never love someone else.
Nordan smiled, she was staring deep in his eyes smilling like a fool. He got up and sat next to her, both their hearts start to raise as they got closer.

"NOOOORRRDDDDIIINNN" Someone walked in the room making them both lose the moment.
"Oh hi Isa" Alex smiled.

"Hey! I...I'm going to see my daughter, don't want her to be a Sloth addicted" she tried to fake a laugh but falied. Nordan sight.


I'm so sorry for not posting anything earlier but school has been hard!
I promise I'll do my best to start posting more frequently!

GUYYYSSS Nordan took his braces off! Give me opinions!
It's kinda weird but he looks so DAMN fine 😍!

Love you lots! 

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