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Nordan was not really happy with the fact that her and Apex could get closer, but his mind made him think other things. Apex broke her trust and she was still going to talk to him and forgive him like this? Without even discussing the situation?

Isabella was worried about Apex, he was still a person with feelings and none of the boys in the house have been supporting him because they all hate his relationship.
Apex was laying on his bed when Isabella knocked! His response was the one she was expecting, to go away.
But she didn't, the girl opened the door and sat next to him.

After a while the small boy told her everything, turns out Apex was in love with another girl and his girlfriend is actually his ex who's crazy about him and won't leave him alone. Typical boys always finding the wrong ones.

Isabella tried to help him as well as she could until the boys joined. Everyone now was sorry for not supporting their friend but Nordan's face was a bit suspicious.

In the end of the day he decided to record a video, Isabella was in his room trying to make Holly sleep.
As Nordan ended the video she faced him.

"Why aren't you happy that Apex is in love? Or at least why aren't you feeling sad to have misjudged his situation? "

"How can you forgive him after he treated you like shit?"

"How could I forgive you when you treated me like shit? He's no different! You're both my friends and no one saw that he needed someone to talk to so I had to grow up a bit more and talk to him! Whats wrong with that?!"

"I dont like you and him together!"

"Are you jealous?" She laughed.

"Yes" Nordan mumbled. "You know what? Yes! Yes I am jealous, I've been here for you since always and I have never received that much care! I've been in love with you for so long that my heart can't even take it when I'm with someone new! I can't love anyone else besides you! I can't and I don't want to Isa!" Nordan stood up. " You're all I will ever need and you just don't seem go see it! You always find someone to love besides me and I'm always there being the best friend and nothing more" He mumbled.

Isabella had a huge smile on her face, she was happy to know that Nordan had those type of feelings for her after being with his ex girlfriend and knowing everything that she's been through.
She faced him, once again she got lost in this eyes.

"I love you too Nordan" She stood up and kissed him.


HI! I'm so sorry for not uploading but time has been a thing that I haven't had!
I'll try to upload more ofter!

How have you guys been?

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