Chapter Twelve

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Jessica's POV:  I covered my face with the blanket and then Johnnie sat down beside me.

"Come on baby" He said taking the blanket off.

I stood up but my legs felt like jello so I fell back down.

"I can't" I told him.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting his hand to my forehead.

"Jess you're burning up, lay back down okay I'll call your mom"

I laid down and closed my eyes while I waited for him to come back. I literally felt like I was dying at this very moment but it was worth it because I helped Johnnie. Johnnie came back in with his mom and I sat back up.

"No lay down" Johnnie told me so I did.

His mom came over and she felt my forehead.

"Johnnie go get the fan and a cold rag"

"I want my mom" I said coughing really hard.

"She's on her way"

Johnnie came back in and they sat the fan so it was facing me and put the rag on my forehead.

"I know it'll be cold but you have to take the blankets off so you can get your fever down"

I took the covers off and indeed it was freezing. I tried covering myself back up but Johnnie grabbed the blankets before I could. Keep in mind I am still in just the swim suit and cover up. My mom walked in and ran over to me and hugged me.

"Come on Jess we're going home"

She pulled me up and I fell to the floor and started crying.

"She can't walk" Johnnie told her helping me back onto the bed.

"It's going to be okay" He said hugging me.

"We need to take her to the hospital" My mom told them.

"N..No" I responded.

"Look at you Jessica, you need medical help"

"Just give it a day and if she's not feeling better then take her to urgent care"

"Fine" Mom replied.

"How are we getting her home?"

"She could stay here" Johnnie's mom said.

"Absolutely not!"

"Ma'am I can assure you she is too sick to do anything like that" Johnnie told her.

"She's too sick to move" His mom chimed in.

"Okay but she's coming home tomorrow"

I didn't feel like listening to them argue so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Johnnie's POV:  The arguing went on for another ten minutes until we all realized she was trying to sleep so her mom gave up and left. I agreed with my mom that I would just sleep on the couch tonight and let Jess have my bed because it seems a little heartless to make her move. Her mom had brought different clothes for her to change into instead of the swim suit and my mom was going to help her change when she woke up.

Jessica's POV:  I woke up and Johnnie was right beside me on his phone.

"You're staying here tonight" He told me setting his phone down.

"My mom is going to help you change into something more comfortable, let me go get her"

He walked out then walked back in with his mom. She had sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Johnnie walked out so she could help me but I felt awkward.

"It's okay Jess I've seen all of this before" She told me then she helped me get dressed and everything.

She let Johnnie back in and I tried sitting up again just to be pushed back down by him.

"You're only allowed to get up to use the restroom"

"Now that you mentioned it I really need to go"

"Here I'll carry you there and wait outside"

He carried me in a bridal style way. I did all that bathroom stuff ya know and then he carried me back to the bed.

"I guess I kind of pushed it by going swimming" I said laughing.

"Yes you did" He replied kissing my forehead.

"Can I have my phone?"

"It's dead"

"Oh well, you can keep me unbored"

"You mean entertained?"

"No I mean unbored"

"I don't know how but okay baby"

"I want a kiss but I can't have a kiss"

"I'm sorry" He replied.

"Cheek kiss?" I asked.

"Of course"

He kissed my cheek and then my forehead and I smiled.

"I love you"

"I love you too" He responded.

"You haven't made a new video in awhile" I pointed out.

"I know, I've been busy"

"Why don't you make one right now?"

"Because you're sick"

"So, I'll watch"

"Okay fine" He said and he sat up his tripod and everything.

The video

"Hey guys it's Johnnie and today I'm here with..

"I'm not here" I said interrupting him.

"I'm not here with anyone apparently" He said laughing and he looked back at me.

I wasn't on camera I was laying down where you couldn't see me.

"So I don't know what this video is today really so let's just update you on life. Anyways so my lil girlfriend here decided that it was great to go swimming today even though she felt like complete s***, anyways now she is unable to walk and she is running a 103° fever. So people if you are sick just please stay in bed"

"I'm fiiinnnne"

"Shhh take a nap"

"I just woke up from a nap"

"Take another nap"

"Why don't you take a nap"

"Because you'll do something to me"

"Alright anyways guys sorry for the messed up updating schedule some things have been going on in my life. The only one I am willing to share about is the one I just did which was about Jess. It should be back to normal sometime soon so anyways send Jessica your healthy thoughts. Stay happy not crappy, life's a b**** don't quit, peace out thug pugs byeeeee"

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