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if bts were POCKET-SIZED (◕▿◕✿)


about to put on your make-up in the morning and just sitting at your dresser, staring at all the make-up spread all over the dressing table. mini taehyung would help select which to use.

“you know you're just as pretty without all this right? but i'm not gonna stop you if you wanna look more cute for yourself. and it's your choice to use it or not and i'm gonna support you either way sooo....”

he would use his back to push the tube of concealer to one side of the table, only to trip over a eyebrow pencil, which was lying on the surface.

he would trip and stumble, before falling into your compact powder, face first onto the powdery cushion as he let out a scream. as he faceplanted, powder flew around, creating sort of a white cloud around him. then, tae would get up and sit cross-legged on the cushion, grinning lopsidedly at you, his hair and face snowy, and thumbs up to say he was okay. then he'd let out a cute sneeze, sending powder flying everywhere again. he would bend over and clutch his tummy because he laughed too hard.

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