Chapter 6

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Their lips brushed against each other

She felt his heartbeat quicken under her fingers and she had to bit back the smile that was growing on her face. Their lips were a millimetre apart and just a slight lean would close the space between them.

Just then,  the bakery door opens causing Marinette and Adrien to jump away from each other, blush staining their cheeks

"Woah! What happened here?"Tom asked as he put his hands on his hips giving the two teens a serious but playful look.

"Well Adrien tried opening flour and this happened"Marinette said, gesturing to the mess around them as Adrien nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Well remind me never to ask you to open flour "Tom joked,laughing

"Noted"Adrien said as Tom walked out of the bakery.

"Let's clean up"Marinette said "and make sure you don't try opening anything else"

"Ha ha real funny"Adrien laughed dryly ,rolling his eyes as Marinette giggled.


"So Adrien you never told me why you're​ staying over at my house"Marinette said

"Oh yeah"Adrien said "my dad went on a business trip to London and Nathalie was going to go with him ,since there will be no one in the house to look after me my dad decided to drop me off at Nino's house"

"Then why did you change your mind?"Marinette inquired . Adrien had a blank look on his face, unable to find an answer to that question.

"Actually I haven't thought of that"Adrien answered genuinely as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

A loud explosion not to far from Marinette's house was heard.

Oh no an akuma attack the two teens thought.

"I have to uhh...use the bathroom"Marinette said

"Okay "Adrien said as Marinette ran into the bathroom. As soon as Marinette closed the door Plagg flew out of Adrien's jacket.

"Paris is in danger.Plagg Claws out"Adrien said .

He got transformed into his superhero self. He climbed up the  the balcony and did a little stretches,  to pull out any loose muscles. He extended his staff and moved from building to building.

" Hey Chat noir"Ladybug said jumping onto the same roof  Chat noir was on.

"Hey Ladybug" Cat noir said smirking "we haven't seen each other since the you know"

"Yeah" Ladybug said blushing remembering the last time they met.

"So ....I was wondering if...." .Chat noir was interrupted by a loud explosion.

"Chat, it's coming from the Eiffel tower" Ladybug said, swinging her yo yo over to a nearby building. She hopped off the roof and swung. She pulled her yo yo off the building and swung to another nearby building.

She finally reached the Eiffel tower and gasped .

At the top was a girl with dark purple hair tied into pigtails. Her skin the color of yellow,her eyes had this menacing look in them. She wore a black dress that had an electric bolt which ran across her dress. In her hand she held an electric lasso and tied to it was Chloe.

"Mayor Bourgeois!" She sang bitterly "if you ever want to see you're precious princess again you come over to the Eiffel tower or you're daughter goes bye bye"

"That's messed up " Chat noir said earning  a nod of agreement from Ladybug.

"Let's save the chit chat and move" Ladybug said as she swung her yo yo to the top of the Eiffel tower. She swung around it and released her yo yo doing a front flip and landing gracefully on the top of the tower.

Miraculous ladybug and Cat noir:if only you knewWhere stories live. Discover now