Chapter 9

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"What are you doing here?" Marinette asked . Adrien's face slowly morphed into hurt and he could feel the confidence draining out of him.

"You don't want me here?" Adrien asked, looking down .Marinette's eyes widened,sensing the hurt in his voice.

"No-no. I do. I was just shocked" Marinette answered, nervously fiddling with her fingers. A few seconds passed were they said absolutely nothing. Marinette cleared her and finally spoke"so why are you really here?"

"Its um" Adrien said, the tips of his ears going red "a date". Marinette blinked a few times as she blushed.

" A date? As in you and me?"Marinette asked . Adrien nodded, confirming her question.

"Actually I wanted to ask you but I chickened out and made that useless excuse about learning biology. So, Nino and Alya helped me set this up. It took a lot of effort to put everything together without my dad getting suspicious and now I've gotta pay -" . Adrien got cut off when Marinette pressed her lips against his to shut him up.

Adrien wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her closer to him, responding immediately. The Mexican music drowned out in the background. It felt like they were thr only one on the Eiffel Tower. The only ones in the whole room. They didn't pay attention to anything going on around them. All that mattered right now was the two of them.

Marinette ran her hands through his hair,making it messier than it already was.

"What are you doing?" Adrien murmured against her lips as they switched sides.

"Messing up you're hair"She replied breathlessly

Adrien pulled back and cocked an eyebrow at her, an amused smile coming up his lips "Why?"

"Because I want to. Got a problem with it Agreste?"

"As a matter of fact, I don't Dupain-Cheng"

Marinette rolled her eyes and pecked his lips before stepping away from him "Good and yes Adrien, I'd love to be your girlfriend "

*next day*
"Oh Tikki does the day seem brighter or is it just me?" Marinette asked spinning around in a daze. Tikki giggles and flies over to Marinette who stopped spinning around.

"Marinette you're acting funny. Is it because of Adrien?" Tikki asked cocking her non existent eyebrows.

"Is it obvious?" Marinette asked sitting on her bed. Tikki nodded and Marinette couldn't help but blush "its just Adrien likes me, I like him. Tikki we're dating!"

"Yes I know" Tikki said "I'm so happy for you". Marinette smiled and stood up.

" I can't wait for school!"Marinette squealed as she ran down the stairs. Missing a step, she fell face flat on the cold floor.

"Ow" Marinette said as she sat up,rubbing her forehead which had the most impact on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Tikki asked as she flew over to Marinette who stood up. Marinette blinked a few times to stop the dizziness and nodded.

*at school*

Marinette dashed up the stairs to the entrance of her school and paused, taking in a deep breath and letting it out through her mouth.

She noticed Alya sitting on a bench and jogged over to her, the smile on her lips growing.

"Hello Alya!" Marinette sang, plopping next to her . Alya looks up at Marinette and gently closes the book she was reading .

"You look like your going to puke out rainbows and sparkles girl. Is this because of last night?". Marinette gave her duuh face. Alya looked behind Marinette and smirked "speaking of last night here comes your new bf as in boyfrieeend"
Marinette turned around on the bench and felt her breath catch in her throat and her heart going into a frenzy as she locked eyes with Adrien.

Adrien was feeling the exact same way as he approached them.

Marinette stood up and couldn't hold her excitement anymore. She threw her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug.

Adrien let out a low chuckle and returned the hug, swaying side to side.

Marinette leaned back, her arms still around his neck and pecked his lips softly "Hi"

Adrien pecked her lips. "Hey"

"Awwww. Ya'll are just cute"Alya gushed as the both of them looked at her, Marinette looking back while Adrien looked over her shoulder. Alya grabbed her bag beside her and got up, the book still in her hands. "I have to go guys"she said walking off but not before winking at Marinette and Adrien

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" Chloe asked, her eyes never leaving Marinette and Adrien "are they d-d- dating?" She managed to force out.

Sabrina nervously nodded her head causing Chloe to grit her teeth in annoyance. She stormed over to them with Sabrina following close behind her.

"Adrikins!" Chloe sang, pushing Marinette out of her way .She wrapped her hands around Adrien's neck attempting to kiss him but he backed away, removing her hands from his neck. He walked over to Marinette and placed his hands on her waist, pulling her protectively to his side. A flash of hurt crossed her face but she wore a fake smile to hide it and clamped her hand together, ticking them under her chin as she took in deep calming breaths.

"I'm happy for both you".She turned around on her heels and walked away from them, tears building up in her eyes.

"Chloe are you okay?" Sabrina asked

"Yes" Chloe muttered, walking passed her.

(Somewhere in Paris)

"Ahh. Broken hearts what wonderful pray for my little akuma" Hawk moth said stretching out his left palm. A pure moth lands on it and he cups it with his right hand. Purple flares enter into it and the butterfly turns black with purple stripes. The akuma flies off.

"Fly away my little akuma and evelize her" . The akuma flies out of the window and over to the doors of the school.

Chloe sat on the toilet cover with her head buried in her knees. She sat up. Mascara had smeared all over her face, her hair was a mess but she didn't care. Adrien,the guy she liked was currently dating Marinette, the girl she despised.

She had worn the gold bracelet Adrien had given her on her twelfth birthday on her right wrist. She was still surprised that it still fitted her.

She heard the fluttering of wings. She looked around then she noticed the moth. She screamed as she stood on the toilet seat but there was no use . She couldn't escape it. The moth entered her bracelet and a purple moth sign appeared on her face.

"Hmm. Heart thief I am Hawkmoth. You might have known me before because you were once antibug. All the teenage boys of Paris will love you and only you and in return get me ladybug and Cat noir's miraculouses"

"There will be only one person boys will have their eye!" Chloe said getting transformed into her supervillain self. Her eyes shone the color of red. Her hair which had turned black ran down her back. Her dress the color of red tightly fitted her around her body and was loose at her waist down. She wore red leggings which had black stripes that ran lengthwise. In her hand was a long red baton.

She pointed the baton over to the stall which caused the door to explode. Chloe flew out of the girls toilet and paused having an evil smirk on her face.

"I'm coming for you Marinette" Chloe said

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