Chapter 19

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"Marientte are you sure of this? "Tikki asked as she peeped out of her clutch.

Marientte who had been running stopped on hearing Tikki's words.

"Is either this or I loose the person I love Tikki"Marinete said.  She ran into the nearest subway and looked left and right before allowing  Tikki to fly out of her clutch.

"Time to tranform Tikki"Marinete said as she threw  her fist in the air "Tikki spots on! "

On hearing the phone fall, Gabriel turned around in speed.

His eyes widened as he saw his son "A-adrien? "

"Your hawkmoth! "Adrien said his eyes welling up with tears "All this time you've been telling me the worlds a dangerous place meanwhile Paris is only in danger because of you! "

"I'm sorry"Gabriel said

Adrien let out a bitter laugh and pointed a finget at him "You're  sorry.  Sorry wont cut it! Do you know how many lives you've put in danger? Now your planning  on putting my girlfriend in danger because she's ladybug?". Adrien gasped.  He didnt mean for that last part to come out.

He watched as Gabriel's face slowly worked itself into a confused frown.

"You know?"

"Like heck I do"Adrien burst out flailing his hands in the air "You know what I won't let you hurt her"This time the tears ran down his face "I won't  let you  because I'm going to protect her cause "his fist clenched as he stared at his father.

Don't do this Adrien.....  but I have to.  This is for Marinette's safety.

"Cause I'm Cat noir"

*back with Maerinette*
"Oh Adrien please don't do something  stupid"Marinette said as she swung over a building.

Who was she kidding. Of course he'll do something stupid. He's Adrien Agreste AKA Cat noir and for the past few months of being his partner she has always known him for doing something stupid.

The Agreste manor soon came to view causing Marinette to swallow down a nervous gulp.

She hadn't  even thought of how she was going to save him. She doesnt even know the code to open up the painting.

She threw her yo-yo which wraped itself around the Agreste Manor. The force of the yo-yo pulled  her off her feet and onto the roof of Adrien's house.

Jumping  off the roof, she did a triple front flip before landing  on the floor.

She walked up the stairs and pushed  open the door.

"Hello? "Lafybug said as  she poked her head through the  door. On hearing no one's  voice, she walked into the house.

She ran towards the room where Mrs Agreste  painting was and  dashed over to the monitor. She placed her hands on  both ends and squinted  her eyes.

"What could  his password be?"Ladybug said. An idea popped into her head "Maybe its Adrien's birthday.  Okay 22/09/2001" A loud err sound was heard meaning  she didn't get it.

She hit her leg angrily and jumpd back immediately,  wincing in pain. Then a second idea pooped into her head

"Tikki spots off"Marinette said.  She got engulfed in a bright pink light and out came Tikki in ball of bright light. "Tikki do you think you could crack the code? "

"I dunno but I could  try"Tikki said. She flew into the monitor and after a few seconds  she cane out. There was a light crumbling  sound which caused Marinette  to jump back.

Miraculous ladybug and Cat noir:if only you knewWhere stories live. Discover now