Chapter 17

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Marinette and Adrien walk into class, hand in hand. She could see Chloe watching her every move but she shrugged it off and headed over to her seat. Alya cocked an eyebrow at her friend and pointed at her shirt.

"What's with the shirt? Is it that your a big fan of Cat noir?" Alya asked. Adrien hearing this turned around on his seat with a smirk and an evil glint in his eye.

"As a matter of fact she....". Marinette slapped her hand over his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"If anything Cat noir is annoying, makes horrible cat puns, is kind ,sweet, funny, cu... I mean I'm not a fan" Marinette said, blushing. Although her hand was slapped over his mouth, she knew he had a smirk on his face. She dropped her hand from his mouth and crossed her arms, giving him a 'don't get cocky' look.

Adrien nodded and turned around on his seat.

Alya looked at her bestfriend and mouthed the words we will talk about this later. Marinette lets out a frustrated groan and stares at the back of Adrien's head, imagining it blowing up to bits. That's how frustrated and angry she was at him.

Classes was just a blur to Marinette. Since Adrien was in all her classes, she tuned out all her teachers and continued staring at the back of his neck. Adrien will spare her a few glances with the corner of his eye and every time he does that he releases an amused chuckle.

The school bell rings signaling the end of school

"Remember to read chapter four and five of a Midsummer dream by William Shakespeare" Miss Bustier said. Marinette quickly packed her things into her bag and dashed out . She ran down the stairs and towards the school entrance. She didn't know how to explain to Alya why she got all mushy when she was talking about Cat noir.

Yes! There it was. The entrance. She could actually make it out of the school

"Marinette..*.pant pant * wait up" Alya said as she ran over to Marinette. Marinette stopped dead in her tracks and turned around slowly.

"Hey Alya" Marinette said as Alya placed her hand on her shoulder, catching her breath.

"About that thing I wanted to talk about" Alya said, putting her hand on her hips and smirking "Adrien explained it to me"

"He did?" Marinette said as she cocked an eyebrow "What did he say?". Alya's smirk grew even wider as she nudged her friend, who looked at her confused.

"He told me that you have a small crush on Cat noir"Alya said wiggling her eyebrows at her friend whose eye was twitching from the news she heard "He was like and I quote I'm honestly not surprised that she likes Cat noir. I mean look at him. What girl won't fall for a guy like him"

Marinette cringed.

Seriously Adrien?? You just indirectly called yourself hot

"Marinette"Alya said as she snapped her fingers in front of her dazed friend. This snapped Marinette back to reality. She smiled innocently at Alya who gave her a puzzled look "Where you even listening to me?"

"Whaat. Of course I was"Marinette said tapping her chin, trying to maybe pick up some words that Alya said while she was in deep thought. Realizing she wasn't going to figure out what Alya said, she laughed nervously "what was it you where telling me exactly?".

"I was asking if what he said was true?"

"What who said ?". Alya gave her a 'seriously' look. Once she realized what Alya meant she slapped her forehead "Oh what Adrien said. Uh...yeah it's true"

"And Adrien doesn't mind? Considering the fact he went all jealous when Nathaniel was talking to you like three days ago "Alya said placing her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side, looking skeptical.

"Yeah he doesn't. Anyway gotta go. Bye"Marinette said waving at Alya. She headed down the steps and walks over to her family bakery.

Entering her room, she threw her bag on the floor and fell on her chaise. She fished out her phone as soon as it buzzed, notifying her that she has a new message. Opening her phone, she saw a message from Adrien.

Adrien: Hey bugaboo

Marinette: Don't you hey me. Do you realize what you just did

Adrien: Yes and your welcome

Marinette: What do you mean your welcome. Now Alya thinks I have a crush on Cat noir

Adrien: Well it is true though. You are indeed madly in love with slickest cat around.

Marinette: Whatever but did you really have to come up with that?

Adrien: Well a thank you would be sufficient. Did you have a better idea?

Marinette: Well.... no. Well I guess your right. Sorry and thank you

Adrien: Your welcome :) . Now lets hang out tonight as our super ego selves, okay.

Marinette: Okay.

She switched off her phone and opened her clutch, allowing Tikki to fly out.

"Common Tikki time to transform" Marinette said "Tikki spots on!" And with that she got transformed into Ladybug. She climbed up the stairs and unhatched her trap door. She threw her yo-yo onto a nearby building and tugged at it. This sent her flying over the building.

Her yo-yo latching and unlatching, building after building. When she finally reached the Eiffel tower, she did a triple front flip before landing gracefully on the ground.

"She does a triple front flip and sticks the landing and the crowd cheers her on LADYBUG! LADYBUG! LADYBUUG!!" Cat noir said as he cupped his mouth. Ladybug giggled at her partner and walked closer to him.

" So where is this hangout" Ladybug asked putting her hands on her hips.

"This is our hangout" Cat noir said gesturing his hand over to the view of Paris. Ladybug walked closer to the railings and looked at the view. She gasped in shock. Every time she looks over the view it seemed to just get more and more beautiful.

"Wow" Ladybug said as Cat noir walked closer to her and held her hands giving it a small squeeze.

"Wow indeed" Cat noir said as he looked at her. Ladybug looked at him and blushed, realizing he was referring the wow to her. He cupped her cheek and smiled sweetly at her "You know Marinette I've never met someone as kind and as beautiful as you right?". He leaned in his hands still on her cheek. Ladybug leaned in as well, involuntary closing her eyes as her lips parted slightly.

He paused when their lips almost touched and said the words "J'aime". These words brought a smile up her lips and a blush on her cheeks. Before she could reply he had closed the space between them.

His lips felt warm and soft against hers and she loved the feeling. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to her so they could deepen the kiss. Soon enough she could feel herself being pushed and hitting a hard material. Cat noir grabbed her waist and carried her causing her to wrap her legs around him. She released a groan and tugged at his hair causing he himself to groan. The kiss wasn't gentle, it wasn't rough, it was just passionate.

They release for air, both faces where flushed and lips tingly from the kiss. They both leaned their forehead on each other, both smiling.

"I love you too"Ladybug said as she cupped his cheeks with her two hands. Then she heard a flutter of wings. Cat noir heard it too because he gently dropped Ladybug and ran off to the direction where he heard the wings.

Ladybug followed him and gasped when she noticed the butterfly flying away from the Eiffel tower.

"Was that akuma...."Cat noir said

"Spying on us, yes"Ladybug said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Miraculous ladybug and Cat noir:if only you knewWhere stories live. Discover now