Chapter 11

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Ladybug carries Chat noir and walks over to the sidewalk. She gently places him on the cold concrete floor, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. She looked at Heart thief ,anger consuming her body.

She stood upright ,spinning her yo yo around and running to Heart thief. She jumped on a building and throws her yo yo but Heart thief uses her baton to block Ladybug's attack.

"Your yo yo won't be able to stop me" Heart thief laughed wickedly "just like your little friend Chat noir"

Those last few words were enough to increase Ladybugs anger tenfold. She swung her yo yo and it wrapped around the baton. Pulling at her yo yo, the baton is released from Hearth thief's grip.

"Get out of there you nasty bug" Ladybug said snapping the baton into two. Nothing flies out leaving Ladybug confused. Then she noticed a bracelet on her wrist. .

"Aren't you going to use your little lucky charm ?" Heart thief asked smirking. Ladybug looked at her and smirked, dropping the snapped baton onto the floor.

"I don't need my lucky charm to defeat you. I can just do this" Ladybug said as she threw her yo yo over to Heart thief. It wrapped around her wrist and Ladybug pulls it causing Heart thief to loose balance and fall on the roof.

Ladybug walks over to her and squats. She grabs her bracelet and breaks it releasing the akuma.

"Time to de-evelize" Ladybug yells capturing the akuma. She releases it,waving at the akuma as it flies off. She throws the megaphone in the air, turning everything back yo normal .

Chloe stands up looking around,obviously confused.

"Where am I ?" Chloe inquired, her eyes landing on Ladybug and she wears a smile on her face "oh my gosh Ladybug what are you doing on this roof with me. You where obviously trying to save me from one of this akimitzed villains"

"Uh its akumatized" Ladybug said "and you where the villain". Chloe gasped ,blinking a few times.

" But who would possibly try to annoy me. Everyone adores me"Chloe said admiring her manicured fingers.

Then Ladybug hears Chat noir's jewel beep.

"Okay I gotta go Chloe" Ladybug said

"But I need someone to get me off this roof" Chloe said batting her eyelashes.
Ladybug groans and carries Chloe bridal style.She jumps off the building and lands on the floor,dropping Chloe on the floor.

"Ugh easy on the jacket Ladybug" Chloe said walking away.

Ladybug shakes her head in disbelief. When will she ever learn?

She walks over to Chat noir and carries him. She places his hand on her shoulder. She places her hand around his waist and brings out her yo yo.

She throws it over to a nearby building and swings over it.

I can't leave Chat noir on the streets and I don't know where he lives. This means I have to take him over to my house which also means I have to also reveal my identity to him Ladybug thought as she lands on another building.

Soon enough she jumps into her room through the balcony. She turns over to her bed and places Chat noir gently.

"Tikki spots off" Ladybug said. She transforms back to her civilian self as Tikki flies our of her earring.

Miraculous ladybug and Cat noir:if only you knewWhere stories live. Discover now