Relaxation Time

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Aurora's POV

Simba had left this morning with father to explore the pride lands. Tama and her mother have gone to visit her father. Who is a rogue, but has come to meet his daughter. Now mum and Sarafina have taken Nala & I to a place where there is a lot of shade for some relaxation. Some other lionesses have also joined us as it was everyone's day off of hunting.

Mum was giving me a bath and Nala was also receiving one from her mother. Except she was dirtier then me and needed a longer bath then me. So mum decided to take a cat nap while I wanted for Nala's bath to finish. So that we could play.

"Hey Nala, Aurora come on I just heard about really cool place" Simba announces as approaches us.

"Weren't you with dad?" I ask confused why he was back so soon.

"Simba kind of in the middle of a bath here" Nala tells him. Before lifting her chin so that her mother could lick her neck.

"And it's time for yours" Mum states and picks Simba up before he could get away. He hated bath time, apparently it messed up his mane. I giggled while Nala continued getting her bath like nothing was happening.

"Mum, Mum your messing up my mane" Simba whines. Mum licks his head one more time before smiling at him innocently. "Ok I'm clean can we go now?" he asks annoyed jumping down next to fixing his mane.

"So where are we going?" Nala asks.

"It better not be anyplace dumb" I tell him.

"No, it's this really cool place" he starts to tell us.

"So where is this really cool place?" mum asks.

"Oh around the waterhole" Simba tells her.

"The waterhole?" I ask tilting my head.

"What's so great about the waterhole?" Nala asks.

"I'll show you when we get there" Simba tells us through clenched teeth.

"Oh mum can we go with Simba?" Nala asks her mother.

"Hmm, what do you think Sarabi?" Sarafina asks mine and Simba's mother.

"Well..." mum says looking at the three of us.

"Please?" we ask smiling widely at her.

"It's alright with me" she states and we cheer as we start to leave. "As long as Zazu goes with you"she calls stopping us in our tracks.

"oh not Zazu" Simba and I complain while Nala groans.

(Waterhole) No one's POV

Aurora, Nala and Simba walked towards the watering hole as Zazu flew above them. "Sow here are we really going?" Nala and Aurora ask.

"An elephant graveyard" Simba answers.

"Wow" Nala exclaims and Aurora looks excited also.

"Shh, Zazu" Simba reminds them.

"Right so how are we going to ditch the dodo?" Aurora asks. Nala and Simba start making the plan while she looks at their surroundings. Simba and Nala always came up with the plans and Aurora just followed their lead.

"Oh just look at you two little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna. Your parents would be thrilled, what with you be betrothed and all" Zazu states landing in front of the cubs. "They'd be proud of you to Aurora being constantly being on alert" he adds.

"Be what?" Nala asks.

"Betrothed, intended affiance" Zazu states.

"Meaning?" Simba and Aurora ask.

"One day you two are going to be married" Zazu announces.

"Really?" Aurora says as Simba and Nala say 'eww'.

"I can't marry her, she's my friend" Simba states.

"It'd be so weird" Nala adds and Aurora looks at them sadly. She'd love if they got married one day and had cubs. That'd make her and Nala sisters & her an auntie. Aurora mus have tuned out to long, because Simba just started to sing.

"I'm gonna be a mighty king
So enemies beware!" Simba sings.

"Well, I've never seen a king of beasts
With quite so little hair" Zazu states as he sings.

"I'm gonna be the mane event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my ROAR" Simba roars after singing making Zazu fall into a patch of mud.

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing" Zazu states wiping the mad off before being flicked away.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" Simba shouts singing.

"You've rather a long way to go, young master,
if you think..." Zazu states.

"No one saying do this" Nala sings.

"Now when I said that, I -" Zazu starts to say.

"No one saying be there" Aurora adds singing.

"What I meant was..." Zazu starts to explain again before Simba cuts him off.

"No one saying stop that" Simba states.

"Look, what you don't realize..." Zazu starts.

"No one saying see here" the three cubs sing.

"Now see here!" Zazu shouts.

"Free to run around all day" Aurora sings as the three cubs ride ostriches.

"Well, that's definitely out..." Zazu says as he flies after them.

"Free to do it all my way!" Simba sings.

"I think it's time that you and I

Arranged a heart to heart" Zazu starts to say when he flies into a tree.

"Kings don't need advice
From little hornbills for a start" Simba states

"If this is where the monarchy is headed
Count me out!
Out of service, out of Africa
I wouldn't hang about

This child is getting wildly out of wing" Zazu sings.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" Simba sings.

"Everybody look left
Everybody look right" Aurora and Nala sing as the herds join in.

"Everywhere you look I'm
Standing in the spotlight!" Simba sings as a light shines on him.

"Not yet!" Zazu shouts before being silenced.

"Let every creature go for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling" the herds sing as they form a pyramid with the cubs on top with an ostrich.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
Oh, I just can't waaaaaait ... to be king!" Simba finishes the song as the herds all collapse. The three cubs make their escape in the chaos. Meanwhile Zazu is sat on by a rhino as he calls the cubs names.


Picture above of Sarafina, Nala, Simba and Sarabi. Picture on the external link of Aurora. Video above of the song.

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