Storm and Emmet

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Storm's POV

Kai and Mia were out for the day, Dad returned to the northern plains. Mum went with him for some reason. Kiara was out with Kovu who was teaching her how to be stealthy. I am going out on a hunt to practice for my next solo hunt. Aunt Nala had taken the hunting party to hunt today as Kiara and I didn't catch anything the other day. Due to the fire that nearly killed us.

Right now I was watching an antelope herd seeing what they did during the day. "What cha doing gorgeous?" a voice asks and I see Emmet crouch down beside me.

"Watching, now leave me alone" I tell him and move closer to the herd silently.

"If you're hunting, I can help" he states following me.

"I'm not hunting, just studying the herd for my next solo hunt" I state annoyed. "Besides I'm finished now anyway" I say standing up and walk away. I was heading for the watering hole and I felt him following me and growl. "Forget something?" I ask him.

"Just going down to the watering hole and I thought you could give me a tour of the pride lands" he says smirking.

"Fine, but only if you can catch me" I state before sprinting off. I heard him following me and I laugh in joy. I love to run and a game of chase. "You can't catch me slow poke" I tell him.

"Oh I can catch you!" he shouts as we reach the top of a hill near the watering hole. He tackles me and we roll down the hill together. When we reach the bottom his on top of me with me on my back under him. We were both laughing and I stop looking at him smiling. Before licking his cheek before laying my head back down as he looks at me shocked.

"You caught me, now what are you going to do with me?" I ask flirtatiously. He doesn't say anything as he rubs his head against mine as we purr.

"Nothing yet, we still need to get to know each other first" he states getting off me heading over to water fro a drink.

"You are such a tease" I glare playfully. But go to have a drink also before I had an idea. "Well come on tender foot, if you want a tour" I tell him. Emmet smiles and walks beside me as I show him around. As the sun sat we relaxed by pride rock looking up at the stars.

"Hey look there's a bunny for you" he teases pointing.

"What? Didn't you see the two lions fighting over something?" I ask pointing. "So how do you know Kai?" I ask him.

"When he went rogue we met and I showed him the ropes" he states. "I had been rogue for a while then and it's tough to go it solo" he explains. "Before you ask, it was my choice to go rogue" he adds.

"Why would you choose that life?" I ask him.

"Why did you want your first hunt to be a solo one?" he asks me.

"Touche" I tell him smiling. "But really, why has no girl tied you down yet?" I ask smirking.

"Just never found the right one before" he says shrugging.

"And now?" I ask tilting my head.

"I think I found the perfect girl" he states rubbing he's head against mine making me purr. "But Storm, I'm not meant for pride life and I don't want to take you away from your family" he explains.

"I'd follow you anywhere" I assure him licking his cheek. "But if or when I do become pregnant, we have to return here until I give birth and cub or cubs are old enough to travel. Deal?" I ask.

"Deal, come on it's getting late" he states standing up and I do the same. I walk him back to his gave and we rub our heads together saying goodnight. When I reach the entrance to the den I see Uncle Simba inviting Kovu inside. I smile following them in before going over to Mia and Kai before falling asleep quickly.


Picture above of Storm and Emmet together.

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