Day Out

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

I'm a young adult now and have been on a few hunts including by myself. Storm and Kiara are now two months old. Uncle Simba has been even more protective over Kiara since Kopa's death. Dad has not come back yet like he'd promised he would. But Mum tells me to be patient.

Today I was taking Storm out on a tour of the pride lands while Mum hunted. "Now remember stay away from the out lands" mum reminds me. "And if you see Kiara remind her to stay on the path Simba made for her and to keep Pride Rock in sight at all times" she adds.

"I know mother, just enjoy your day off" I tell her. Storm rubbed against mum's front legs as a goodbye. Mum smiled and nudged her towards telling us to have fun. So I started leading Storm through the pride lands following the path Uncle Simba had made when we heard a giant splash.

Storm ran off toward the sound and I called her back. When she didn't come back I ran after her to see her sitting next to Timon. I saw Pumba sitting in the pond calling for Kiara. "Pumba let me define, baby sitting"I tell him and he gets up. Revealing Kiara who gasped for air as I picked her up out of the pond.

Once I placed her down she shook herself dry as Storm jumped down beside me. While Timon asked Kiara if she was hurt, slipped a disc or got a hang nail. "Timon" Kiara whines taking her paw back glaring at him.

"I had one once" Timon tells her and I roll my eyes.

"Very painful" Pumba adds.

"Excruciating" Timon states and gets a fern branch to put Kiara in the shade. "Darling with your complexion you need to stay out of the sun" he tells her. She swiped her paw at the branch making him let go of it. "What? Do you want to wrinkle?" Timon asks her.

"Can someone please just listen to me?" Kiara asks.

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening, did you say something Princess?" Timon asks.

"I'm not just a princess you know, that's only half of who I am" Kiara states.

"Well then whose the other half?" Pumba and Storm ask confused.

"" Kiara tries to say and can't think of an answer.

"Guys stop confusing her" I scold them.

"Well while she figures it out, let's eat" Timon states walking over to a log. Pumba lifts it up and Timon gathers some of the bugs under it. "A grub, what's it look like" he tells Kiara who asks what they were.

"Eww gross" Kiara and Storm complain.

"Guys they need real protein" I tell and Storm nods her head. But as we argued we didn't notice Kiara had slipped away.

"Um where's Kiara?" Storm asks and I look around.

"Damn it, you two get Storm back to Pride rock and inform Uncle Simba that Kiara has disappeared near the out lands" I order. Before I take off following Kiara's scent which lead to the very edge of the pride lands. "Kiara get up here now!" I roar when I see her an other cub running across alligators.

They start to climb a tree and the cub jumps up beside me. But before Kiara could a gator started to chew on the thin trunk. "Kiara jump now" I tell her and she looks at me before doing as I told her. I stretched out as far as I could and caught her before pulling her to safety. "That's it Kiara we're going home" I state.

"But I was fine" she tries to say.

"You were nearly killed Kiara and if Uncle Simba knew you were hanging around an outsider. Even a cub he'd ground you" I tell her. "Speaking of you go home now" I growl at the cub who looked scared. Just then a rogue lioness appeared and roar at me as Uncle Simba appeared roaring at her.

"Zira" he growls as I pull Kiara away from the other cub as some of our lionesses appear with Timon and Pumba.

"Simba" she states and the other lionesses growl. Timon introduced himself and Pumba before telling Zira to get out of our pride lands.  "Your pride lands, these lands belong to Scar" she sneers.

"I punished you from the pride lands, now you and your young cub get out" Simba tells her.

"Oh haven't you meet my son Kovu? He was hand chosen by Scar to follow in his footsteps and become the king" Zira explains. Simba growls and Kovu starts shaking.

"That's no king" I tell her.

"That's a fuzzy maraca" Timon adds and I hide my laugh.

"Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the out lands where we have little food, less water" Zira states.

"You know the penalty for returning the the pride lands" Uncle Simba states.

"But the child does not" Zira tells him. "However, if you need your pound of flesh here" she states pushing Kovu towards us.

"Uncle we do not harm cubs" I whisper in his ear and he nods his head.

"Take him and get out, we're finished here" Simba tells Zira and he picks Kiara up.

"Oh no Simba we have barely even began" Zira states chuckling. I growl at her and she turns away picking up Kovu. I walk with the others back to pride rock, but as it comes into view Uncle Simba stops.

"Uncle?" I ask looking at him and he hums holding Kiara up. I smile gently before leaving him to talk to her alone. "She's safe, Uncle Simba is talking to her" I tell Aunt Nala when I reached pride rock. I then walk over to my mum and sister to see Storm already asleep. I lay down beside her as the sun begins setting and fall into a peaceful asleep.


Picture above of Storm now and picture on the external link of Kiara now. Picture in chapter of Mia now and for the rest of the story.

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