Tama's Death

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Aurora's POV

"Be safe Tama you have cubs to feed" I tell her as she prepares to leave.

"I'll be fine, besides you can feed them while I'm away" she reminds me. She licks the cubs heads as a form of goodbye before leaving. I was now alone until Scar entered the den.

"Morning Scar, can I help you with something?" I ask him politely.

"Nothing dear Aurora, just wanted to see how our newest members are doing" he states.

"They are fine, Tama feed them before she left and I'll feed them before she returns" I tell him.

"Good, but you know if you need help Zira can also feed them" he tells me.

"I can manage fine on my own until Tama returns" I state.

"When are you due?" he asks looking at my stomach.

"In a few days or I could give birth tonight" I shrug. "I don't care when he or she arrives as long as they are healthy" I tell him. "Besides it'd be good to wait a few days before my cub or cubs arrive" I state.

"You are probably right, have you seen Nala today?" he asks.

"No idea, haven't seen her since last night" I say shrugging. "Mother said she had left early to try hunting on the out skirts of our territory. In the hopes of finding prey that" I tell him. "If she does it'll be a long journey for her to bring the kill back" I add.

"Understandable, I'm glad she took the initiative to do something productive for a change" Scar states. "I'll live you to it then" he says before leaving me to tend to Kovu and Vitani. Who had just woken up for their second feed since this morning.

"It's ok little ones, no matter what happens you're going to make it" I assure them as they 'mew'. Before nudging them gently to my tits for a feed. I look out at the horizon outside to see the sun setting. "Your mother should be here soon" I tell them gently.

However Scar called a meeting as the others returned home. "Aurora you are needed at the meeting, I'll look after the young ones" Zira states as she enters the den with Nuka. I was weary to leave her alone with them, but decided she wouldn't do anything with Nuka here. Also that the meeting shouldn't take to long.

"The hyenas just informed of a lose of an other member of our pride" Scar states as I arrived standing between Sarafina and Sarabi. "While on patrol on our western border they discover a rogue lion attacking Tama. They managed to scare the rogue off, but poor Tama was to injured to return. She was dead by the time I was informed of the matter" he explains.

"I thought your hyenas were suppose to keep our borders safe" I say growling.

"As I said they were on patrol when they come across the attack" Scar states. "Now as there are no one else appropriate to care for the cubs. Zira will be their mother from now on" he tells us.

"What about Sarabi or myself?" Sarafina asks. "Even Aurora could do it" she adds.

"Aurora is about to give birth to her own cubs, she cannot handle two more as a first time mother. As for you and Sarabi you are not in a fit state to raise one cub. Let alone two" he explains.

"They have the most experience Scar, they should look after the little ones. I can still feed them" I tell him.

"They are getting to old to raise cubs Aurora and can hardly hunt for food themselves. Zira is just as capable at feeding the cubs and she has more experience then you. Besides you have your future cubs to worry about" he tells me. "I am king and my word is final" he states before returning to the den.

"It'll be ok Aurora, we won't let them influence those two cubs" Sarafina assures me before leaving with the others except for mother.

"I feel so alone now mother, I wish Nala was here" I say bowing my head.

"Do not lose faith, I know she'll find help and return some how" she assures me. Smiling we enter the den and I see Zira holding the cubs. Scar looks pleased and Nuka looks confused. This is the first time his seen them in their short lives. I sigh before joining mother and Sarafina in our usual spot before curling up pretending to sleep.

When I believed everyone was asleep I snuck out and down to Scar's old cave where Zazu was kept in a cage. "Zazu I need you to deliver a message to Chaka of the northern plains pride. He was Tama's mate he deserves to know of his cubs birth and mates death" I tell him letting him out. "Please hurry and return before sunrise or the others will notice" I state.

"Of course Aurora, you said northern plains right?" he asks.

"That's correct, now fly fast and only give the message to either Chaka or Selmak" I tell him. Zazu spreads his wings before taking flight and leaving as quickly as possible. I return to the den quietly before laying down in the same spot and falling asleep.


Picture above of Scar, Zira, Kovu, Vitani and Nuka.

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