Under The Ground

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The light shines in my face,
my hands stretch out to stop it from
entering strongly into my eyes.

I look around and all I can see is plain,formal.

I see people from abnegation.
Or what seems to be the faction of the selfess.

They all walk in unison, no one is interferring with one another.They all stare blankly im front of them.

I stand urublty searching for my parents in the crowds.
Just for a moment I wait to see if they had the same fate as I.
That Id see they're faces again.
To feel they're warmth.
But then I remember.
They are dead.

I do not cry for I know why they did it.
Why the sacraficed themselves for the ones they truly loved.

As I had done the same,when I entered the vault.

Maybe, just maybe they embedded that within me.They were the ones who cramed that thought within my mind, that knowlege within my heart.

Knowing I would leave Tobias.
His strong stance.
His eyes that lingered on me, as if my childish figure was enjoyable.

He made me feel strong in times where I felt the weakest.

He believed in me, even when my family had not. He trained me to be a strong willed being, who didnt fear death, but was wary of it in his sake.

He taught me to do all things through necessity, to love without regrets.

To trust someone.

My muscles tighten,
My jaw clenched and taunt.
My eyes standing attention.

Only one thought remains.

I Will Find Him.

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