His Lair

231 11 0


To have another gun in my hand

After Will, is so difficult.

But I do it,

For Tobias.

We sneak around the buildings,

And peek through the other side.

Gaurds stand along the doors,

Guns in hand- eyes forward.

They must be brain dead too.

They cant see us.

Christa looks so unchallenged by this that it scares me to think, why.

Maybe the gun has the same effect on her as it did on me,

It must.

John pulls his gun, and shoots the first in the chest, the second in the head.

He has horrific aim.

But he did well.

We rush over to the door,

Adam types a code so fast he must memorize the whole keyboard.

"Access Granted." An autimated voice speaks.

We rush in around corners.


We run to the exit and four gaurds,

Stand in a line across the large door, an opening.

The exit.

I aim my gun,

Christa copies.

I shoot the first and second.

In the head.


They drop,

Christa does the same to the last.

She smiles,

And she stiffens as if it shocked her.

It takes all of us to push the long brick board securing the door up and back,

The light pierces the dark.

And We all walk out,

Completely, utterly,


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