Prologue: Secret Life

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Lily-Anne Snape, born as the daughter of Severus Snape and Lily Evans, better known as Lily Potter, Harry Potter's mother. This may sound strange, but it is the truth. She was born on the 21st of October 1981, mere days before the Potters were murdered by Lord Voldemort. Her father found her in the hospital after finding a note written by her mother telling him where she was. The grieving Severus Snape took her home and named her Lily-Anne Eileen Snape, after the little girl's mother and his own mother. And though he failed often as a grieving and socially awkward father, he tried his best to give his daughter her best chance.

When she was only a month from being 11 years old, she went to Hogwarts, a year early according to many, but her father, who had to raise her alone without any help, didn't want to keep her home for another year when her 11th birthday was only a month away. Albus Dumbledore agreed with him and Lily-Anne was accepted early. She looked a lot like her father, black hair and black eyes, but those were the most obvious things, but in the small things she was like her mother Lily. Her regular clothes are just as black as her father's, and she liked it like that. Still, no one could know that Severus Snape had a daughter. For all the people who knew her at Hogwarts she was Lily-Anne Reves, the only daughter from a busy family who had no time and were never seen by anyone. She lived with Professor Snape, who was her "guardian", appointed by her "father" as far as her classmates knew.

She was sorted into Slytherin, like her father was before her, where she met Draco Malfoy. From day 1 they became friends even though she was a mere half blood, he had Crabbe and Goyle as well and even Pansy Parkinson, but he would always find the time to talk to her, or study together. However, even though Draco washer best friend, he didn't know about her real life as well. She made sure that Harry hated her, but since she was a Slytherin and Draco Malfoy was her best friend, that was not such a hard thing to do. Still, she cared for him and tried to look out for him whenever she could.

At the start of her fifth year, still nobody knew about her true identity. But nobody could have known what would happen that summer in one particular shop in Diagon Alley.

(A/N): So, this is my translation (though I guess it is going to be more of a re-written version with new insights and little details, point of views etc.) from my Dutch Fanfic by the same title, and since I am still translating, it can take some time before I can publish a new chapter, therefore apologies for that in advance. I hope you like it. I'd love to receive your comments, they really cheer me up and inspire me to write more. And I don't know if this is an often used plot line, but I try to give it my own twist. It is a story I've spend years enjoying and looking at again and again, getting to know my characters and their lives so well, so please do not tell me that you think I stole it from somebody else, because trust me, I did not. This story was created from my everlasting love for Harry Potter and my favorite character Severus Snape (Alan Rickman RIP, I still miss you), and I love to share the ideas I had with you guys.

It is a story playing in the background of the books and the movies (combined with aspects of both), filling the black holes that have been created between the shots and between the lines, please keep that in mind, that it plays during the same time, which will sometimes mean that scenes can crossover with movie scenes, just read it, and I hope you enjoy it, because I surely did while researching and writing it.

This is quite a long author's note, but I just wanted you to know these things, but without further ado.

Have fun reading.



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