Chapter 10: Promises

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The next day after classes, Lily-Anne goes back to the Hospital Wing. Silently, she enters the room, in a bed on the left side in the middle is a body as white as his sheets. Lily-Anne walks straight to the bed and sits down on the chair beside it. Draco was still unconscious, which was a good thing. The wounds that were all over his body were still healing, since her father's spell hadn't been able to do that completely. Getting rid of all the scars would prove to be the hardest of all, since they were a lot like werewolf scars, which were never going to go away. After her father had left her in the same place, she had turned to Draco and had sat by his bedside for quite some time. She had helped Madame Pomfrey dressing the wounds and the nurse had only told Lily-Anne to leave when it was five minutes to curfew, giving Lily-Anne a little note as well, to confirm and varify her where abouts should she run into Filch, which she gladly didn't do. The entire day Lily-Anne had thought about Draco and she wanted to be by his side should he wake up. The rumors had already reached her as to who the culprit was and it was due to that fact that she was late. After her final class she had met Harry Potter in the halls and she had started a fight with him. A genuine fight, one she wanted him to remember for the rest of his life. It had almost ended in a duel, had it not been for the tiny professor Flitwick who had come tottering down the stairs, waving his arms wildly and shouting various things. Lily-Anne however, wasn't done yet and had ignored the little charms teacher.

'Are you happy now?! You got what you wished for Potter! You're very lucky that he is going to be allright, because if you would have seriously hurt him...'

'What then Reves, you get your little friends, just like Draco? I didn't know what would happen, I'm sorry. I'm going to miss Quidditch for this, I'm going to be in detention for the rest of the year...'

Lily-Anne had laughed loudly.

'Oh, pity Potter, HE IS GOING TO MISS QUIDDITCH AND HE IS IN DETENTION! You should be used to it by now right? And I hope Gryffindor loses, by so much, it's what you deserve.'

'Don't drag my house into this!'

'Why not? The Chosen One doesn't want any one else to take his spotlight?'

'Miss Reves, that's enough!'

Professor McGonagal had pushed through the circle of students that were watching and she was just in time. Lily-Anne had already raised her wand and so had Harry. Brother and sister, both with flaming green eyes, ready to curse each other into oblivion if they had the chance. Lily-Anne would have at least, she was furious, and there was nobody to hold her back. That is, until Professor McGonagal had come in and put a stop to it. She had taken 30 points from both Slytherin and Gryffindor. When the audience had gone back to their business, Lily-Anne had thrown Harry another furious look.

'Not knowing what you do makes you both an idiot and an arrogant prick Potter, but don't worry, I can be both too if I put my mind to it.'

She had hissed the final words in his ears before turning to the stairs and going upstairs to the Hospital Wing, purposefully throwing the Creevey brothers to the side. Wrong place, boys, never block my way when I'm angry, she thought. By the time she had opened the door to the Hospital Wing she had calmed down a bit and now that she was looking at Draco's pale face, her face was a blank sheet from which no emotion could be read. She strokes a few hairs from his forehead and repeats that, even when there are no hairs to stroke away anymore. She was still afraid that something would happen, not only because of the attack, but because Draco was already weakened by his lack of sleep and food. And she was still angry with him and her father for not talking to her for the past few weeks and the fact that she had no idea what was going on. All this she had thrown out on her half brother just now, but the anger had not entirely abated yet. She didn't want to be this angry, but she was. Draco was taking himself down and he didn't even trust his girlfriend enough to help him through it. She looks at his hands that are lying next to his body, she sits up straighter and lets her hand, that was earlier stroking his head, run down his arm, when she reaches his hand, she gently takes it. She lifts his arm and leans forward again, pressing a kiss on his hand.

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