Chapter 7: Tough Emotions

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The rest of the day passes smoothly, with one hour of Herbology, not one of Lily-Anne's strong suits, but she tried her best, and two hours of Ancient Runes. During dinner, Lily-Anne sits alone, though surrounded by her fellow Slytherins, there was not really someone she could talk to. She scans the Slytherin table, not noticing Draco anywhere, he had been missing meals the past few days, which made Lily-Anne even more worried about him. She looks up at her father, who is also scanning the table, their eyes meet and Severus reads in Lily-Anne's eyes that she was also looking for Draco, but couldn't find him. Severus was worried, but he wouldn't show that clearly, only Lily-Anne would read it in his eyes, because she knew exactly how to look. After dinner Lily-Anne slowly walks to the Common Room, when she quickly notices she is being followed. She suddenly stops and turns around, Pansy Parkinson is right in front of her, Crabbe and Goyle on either side of her, making her look more like the female Draco with black hair. The girl stares at Lily-Anne, with a look full of hate in her eyes.


Lily-Anne looks from Pansy, to Goyle, to Crabbe and then back at Pansy.

'I don't know, why should I?'

Pansy's faces darkens and she sees her fist from under her robes that are now clearly visible.

'Keep away from my Draco, Reves, he is mine.'

'Miss Parkinson...'

Pansy's face quickly turns and Lily-Anne starts to smile, she didn't know where he had come from, but her father seemed to just have popped up at the perfect time.

'Shouldn't you be studying, I believe you have some Defense Against the Dark Arts homework to write if I am not mistaking?'

Pansy shrinks back, clearly intimidated by the Head of Slytherin House in front of her, then she nods and takes a reluctant Crabbe and Goyle with her into the Common Room not that far away. Lily-Anne and Severus follow them with only their eyes, then they shoot back at each other.

'Do you know where Draco has been, he has been skipping classes.'

Lily-Anne looks at her father, there it was again, that look of worry, he may have been partially forced into this protection of the young Malfoy, but he wanted to protect him as well, make sure nothing would happen to him. What Lily-Anne didn't know was that Severus had made a promise to himself already. In his Hogwarts years, when he was struggling, there had been a Prefect who had been his mentor since day one, who would look after him, even if it was from a distance. Now he would do the same for the son of that Prefect, who himself was now in Azkaban, serving time for something he had done for his Dark Lord. To Seversu it seemed that that was all he could do now for Lucius Malfoy. The only problem was, Draco did not accept him as his mentor or his protector. The day he had found out that his best friend was actually Severus Snape's daughter, he had intended to come and tell Severus that he didn't need any help and that he didn't like to be watched, little did Draco know that he was also being watched by his own girlfriend.

'What has he been up to father?'

Severus looks Lily-Anne straight in the eye.

'What do you know?'

Lily-Anne shrugs her shoulders.

'Only that he is completely shutting down, not talking, not eating, not sleeping and apparently not studying. I try to stay as close to him as I can, because I feel like he is slipping away. Though I have no concrete ideas on his plans.'

Severus nods, the corners of his mouth curling a little.

'Thank you Lily, you are a good friend to him.'

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