Chapter 6: Little Letters

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A little over a week later Lily-Anne and Severus are walking through the halls of Hogwarts after dinner, towards the office of Albus Dumbledore. Lily-Anne looks around, nobody else was in the corridor, it was only the two of them. When her father had told her to come with him after dinner, she had been surprised, especially when she noticed they were not going to the dungeons as they would have done in earlier years to brew more potions or for the Alchemy classes Lily-Anne had followed during her first year at Hogwarts. A couple of students had demanded the subject that year and her father had only agreed to teach it, if his daughter would be allowed a spot in the class. She had been accepted and she had gotten the highest mark of the entire class during the test, though that was never told to any of the other students. She didn't say a word to her father for a while, but now that she was sure they were alone and that they were going to the Headmaster's Office, Lily-Anne wanted to know more, so she looks up at her father.


Severus looks down, looking stern and emotionless as always, but his eyes sparkling a little because it was his daughter, though nobody but she would ever see it. They were walking through Hogwarts and students could enter the same corridors at any given moment, for Lily-Anne to be calling Severus her father would not be smartest thing. But it was something Lily-Anne always did, after some weeks it had become harder for her to keep her mouth shut and talk to her father as if he was only her professor and she would call him 'father' at any given moment when they were alone. At first, Severus had called her out for it, but he had quit it, it was no use, and it was not like he really minded.

'What are we going to do?'

Severus smiles a little and looks ahead again.

'Your new Potions Master has nothing to teach you anymore.'

Lily-Anne bursts into laughter, but tries to keep it in, she was fully aware of the fact that professor Horace Slughorn couldn't teach her anything anymore, she did every Potion perfectly and in her own way, even theoretical things were a piece of cake, often leaving Slughorn speechless at her knowledge. Severus notices Lily-Anne's reaction and smiles a little wider.

'I could have told him that at the beginning of the year.'

Lily-Anne looks up.

'Then how come you can always teach me something new?'

Severus looks down and they both stop walking.

'Because we were both born with a talent, and I want to teach you everything I know so you can use your talent in the best way. Horace Slughorn only knows what the books say, nothing more and nothing less.'

Lily-Anne nods, she understood what her father was saying. Because Professor Slughorn only knew the books, and she had already corrected the book when it came to brewing Potions, Slughorn was unable to teach her anything else, where Severus still had other knowledge to share with her that was surpassing the books. Severus resumes his walk towards the office and Lily-Anne follows his example.

'Horace Slughorn has asked Professor Dumbledore and myself to grant you the privilege of doing your N.E.W.T in Potions this year, instead of in 3 years.'

Lily-Anne's eyes grow larger when she hears this.


Severus looks up and nods.

'You will be the first student to ever do this, he told me that you were his greatest talent of all time, even better than Harry Potter, though I don't know why that is really a compliment, Potter in my opinion was not teachable in the art of Potion making.'

Lily-Anne looks up at her father.

'I know why he...'

But Severus doesn't hear her and continues to talk.

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