Chapter 15: This Can Cost You More Than You Think

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Dear Lily,

Can you pinch me? I still cannot believe what actually happened. But don't worry, I don't think it is a nightmare (at least I hope it's not, I'm still not quite sure that all that black you wear is really healthy). Why are you staying with Snape over the summer, after what he has done to Dumbledore you cannot really think that is a good idea. The Ministry will be on to you too.

When can I visit?

Your Fred

Dear Fred,

The Ministry had already searched the place before I came back from Hogwarts, they won't bother coming back. Since my parents are away and they don't like me being alone in their house, they think it is best for me to stay at a place I know best, which, weirdly enough, is Spinner's End by now (wonderful, having parents that think that always going away and leaving you with one of your professors in his house while they completely put our own house in lockdown). But, it is some sort of home, and there is nobody here besides me, and my raven Destiny of course when she is not away delivering letters to you.

Tomorrow evening? The day after? I don't care, anytime at all.



Dear Lily,

I cannot help but feel like it is all a dream, a dream that gets better with every letter you write me. I had never expected that a black raven could ever make me smile. I will come as soon as a I can, but my brother cannot know, you might understand why. I still have to get used to you, but I am way further in that than he is and he might not be as excepting. I want to tell you something. I have been inspired to work on new inventions. I don't want to say it is all because of you, but you are somewhat influential in that process. Maybe they will make you laugh, I hope they will.

I'll write you again tomorrow, whenever I find the time.

Your Fred

Dear Fred,

I would love to see what you make because of me. I hope they make me laugh, because I will need it. It's really quiet here, nobody to talk to but you, and you are not really here. Shorter letters, less to tell, it's quite lonely.



Dear Lily,

I am coming tonight, wait for me when the sun goes down. I will come to Spinner's End. I'll be company for you.

I can't wait.

Your Fred

The setting sun set the street ablaze as Lily-Anne peaked past the curtains out to the streets. It had been a week since she had come home to an empty Spinner's End, and it had been a week filled with lonely potion brewing and letter writing by the hearth fire. Tonight was going to change that, and Lily-Anne couldn't wait. Fred had written her daily, constantly afraid that she would respond angrily, asking him to leave her alone. But she would never ask that of him ever again. He was coming over, he was coming to Spinner's End. Lily-Anne looked behind her into the living room where she had spend her entire childhood, not bothered by the darkness that was constantly there. The fire in the hearth was burning, lighting the room up just a little bit. The books were all there, the picture on the mantle was gone. No matter how much Lily-Anne wanted to be completely honest with Fred, she knew that she couldn't tell him about her father. She glanced down at her long sleeves, they were going to hide the other secret she had to keep, for her own good. When she looks back at the orange coloured street in front of her, her heart skips a beat. Fred was walking down the street, walking towards her front door. She feels her cheeks burn and the smile on her face brighten as she throws the curtain back and picks up her long black dress. Before he could ring the bell, Lily-Anne had unbolted the front door and she was staring into the surprised brown eyes of the Weasley on her doorstep. He had still lifted his hand to knock, but he lowers it when he sees Lily-Anne in front of him. They stare at each other for a while, not sure what to do next. Fred is the first to take initiative when he steps over the threshold and presses his lips against Lily-Anne's. She smiles and wraps her arms around him. When he releases her, he smiles widely, his eyes sparkling as always.

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