Chapter 2 The Explanation

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By the time we got what we needed from the gas station and made it back to camp it was dark. We quickly got a fire and dinner going, it was a pretty tense atmosphere. We didn't get very far into dinner before Ryu huffed and demanded answers. "Now we've waited long enough, and want answers!" Ryu demanded as he slammed his tray down on his lap.

"Hey don't lump me in with you." Ben snorted between bites.

"You don't want to know what's up with her?" Ryu asked, waving towards Shane.

"I'll admit curiosity, but if she says I don't need to know, I don't need to know." Ben stated confidently.

"I agree." Eli piped in casually.

"Well I want to know." I said, backing Ryu up, as did Morgan. All of us turned to James and Shane. James was amused by us all as Shane watched with a blank expression. With a tired sigh Shane nodded and set her tray down.

"I'm an Immortal." Shane stated shocking all of us minus James. "Not just any Immortal but one of the highest ranking Immortals. That's why so many make friends instead of enemies with us. Its also why some start fights with us right of the back. The Immortal world has mix feels about me. Same for Jamie, though no one can detect who he is since he's technically mortal." We were quiet a moment before Ben asked who James was. "He's the mortal side of one of the most powerful beings in the universe... As well as a pain in my ass, him and his brother." Shane huffed glaring at James.

"Hey, don't blame me for his insanity." James laughed.

"You're his mortal half." Shane tsked.

"So what was that early at the gas station?" I asked before James could retort. Shane and James share a long look before Shane responded.

"There's some debate about that..." Shane sighed as she pushed her hair back.

"Five bucks say its Anti." James chuckled to which Shane got a thoughtful look, saying maybe.

"Who or what is Anti?" I asked curiously.

"The Antichrist." Shane answered as she stroke her chin, "its possible."

"Holy shit, is he's name Damien? Or Nemo?" Ben laughed.

"Nope, its Christian, ironically." James chuckled as we looked at him in a wtf/facepalm kinda way. "What?! It's hilarious!" James laughed as Shane shook her head.

"But is he really that powerful?" Shane asked thoughtfully.

"Who knows. Been a long time. But I heard he was on the same level as Kronos, just saner." James said as Shane became deep in thought.

"Now that you mentioned it. It did kinda feel like Kronos... You don't think he escaped, do you?" Shane asked, suddenly panicked.

"I'm sure SHE's fine. Breathe, Shane." James assured her as she started to hyperventilate. "She's working with the Slayers, right? So breathe."

"Who's 'SHE'?" I asked curious to who this chick was that could make the uncaring Shane freak like this. It was one thing when she got stressed earlier, but this was something else, like about to have a complete mental breakdown.

"That is none of you concerns." Shane answered harshly before sighing and hanging her head. "Look, I'm sorry. But don't ever ask about that subject. Please..." Shane begged, her voice filled with such emotions it broke my heart.

"Yea, shes a little over protective about her." Jamie snorted, "but that's what happens with true love soulmates."

"Not talking about that. Back to the topic at hand. Whoever that was is not someone we should fuck with, especially given that Jamie is mortal with VERY limited power, and I'm only at 25% of my full power at present. Though it is enough to beat most things." Shane stated, chuckling at the end.

"25%? Isn't that low?" I asked, curious for her over confidence.

"At 25% I'm more powerful then any god. At their prime." Shane snorted relaxing with a wolfish smirk as we stared in shock at her. "I'm one of the three strongest being. More powerful then even the Light and Darkness that created the universe. Twice. I'm the one that created the multiverse."

"You created the multiverse? Seriously? You've got to be kidding me." Morgan scuffed, not believing her for a second. That is until Shane stared her down with a look that said she was dead serious. "Wait! If you're that powerful why dont you use it?!"

"I can't. It could burn out my body. While I am Deathless and can not die, the body can, and there is no guarantee I can come back." Shane explained with a tired sigh at her situation.

"What do you mean theres no guarantee you'd come back?" I asked confused.

"If I burn this body up I'll end up in the home realm that I created for the Immortal race when I got fed up with the constant war between them and Mortals. And if I end up there it could be centuries before I could leave for a  multitude of reasons. So it would be best not to burn this body out, yea?" Shane answers with a chuckle at the end. "So we all good now or do you shitheads still have an issue with me? Cause I could go and let you get royally fucked in the ass by the big bad you cant handle but are scare of me."

"You said some fight us because of who you are." Ryu countered instantly.

"Yes. That would be the weak young bucks that think the stories of me are over exaggerated and want to prove themselves as the biggest and baddest." Shane snorted in amusement as we stared at her in disbelief, since the guys we fought weren't no push overs, like at all. "Yea. That's what I thought," Shane laughed at our stunned silence. I didn't know about everyone else, but my head was reeling. I thought Shane was weird and too friendly with the people and beings we've crossed but this was a whole different level. And to think she was this powerful, I didn't know how to feel about it, and I'm not sure the rest of us did either as we ate in silence. Once dinner was done we cleaned up and headed in the campers and headed out for a few hours before find a new camp spot to rest up in shifts. Jamie and Shane took the first watch til dawn, Ryu insisted on joining them but was too exhausted to last long. I watched Shane for a while though the window as Ben games a bit on the futon next to me. Eventually I fell asleep, using Ben as my pillow. For some reasons my dreams were filled of images of Shane through out time and eras...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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