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Here's how my life started with my friends and Marco. He was always smiling happily even when I was sad or annoyed at something. Ok here's the story.

First day at training

*THUD* "Oww~" "(Y/N) (L/N) are you alright?" A happy voice can my way when my head was half and inch away from the floor, the 3DM straps (wires) all tangled up around my body, I was upside down. When a boy came to my rescue he untangled my from my strapped body everyone started to laugh about my situation because I fell on top of him with my legs either side of his head (STOP THIS CRINGING!)

Lunch time a nice peaceful time of the day, or so it seemed, fights every single time with Jean and Eren, even worse I got elbowed in the face before, finally the fights ended sit opposite Sasha with her potatoes and breads she was happy, Mikasa next to Sasha Connie other side of Sasha and Eren next to me. Marco was sometimes next to me but sometimes he looked to nervous to. Next morning I stated off early with a morning jog around the block it was a lot way 3 or 5 laps were fine but HELL it was a killer, I didn't realize it but Marco was watching me jogging on my own, my heart was pounding but I thought it was just Marco watching me but it wasn't...

Last night

"Ahah WHAT!?" This was like a nightmare for me "Ya you like Marco don't you, don't try to hide it we will tell him.." Sasha was kinda mocking me a little but Mikasa made it worse "come on (Y\N) you do admit it, we all know the way you look at him and you two always hang out after lunch" "No it's not like that I just ... I just like him because he help me not the way you guys think." Ymir was there listing to everyone who was talk about me and Marco "Hm! I will tell him that you like him, no scratch that we will all tell him"

Real time

My hands were on my knees panting like crazy the cold ran through me 'why? Why am I doing this, why are they going to tell him?' But something mouth was dripping with blood, maybe because I pushed myself to hard *thud* looking at the ground, my legs couldn't move I couldn't feel my body, *thud* my eyes stared to close and my view was blurry "oh no! (Y/N)!!!"

Marco's last night (PoV)

"Marco!... you like her don't you" Reiner made me constantly sweat and slightly blushing I couldn't help myself I mean it wasn't my idea to come up with this subject "WHA! Err no no no I just like her as a friend I mean she' she~ " Eren laughed slightly mocking me about (Y/N) "ha you do like her just admit it or we will tell her"


I came towards a body that was on the cold frosted floor and with (H/C) (H/S) all washed and clean the only thing that scared me was the small puddle of blood from her mouth to the floor. I wanted to help a lot but I wasn't sure what to do. I lifted her off the cold ground and I saw all the others smirking and looked like they're about the burst out laughing, but this was no joke (Y/N) was hurt. And pushing herself to hard is because she has had a illness since birth or something since she told me I've been worried about her everyday and ever since.

I took her to the infirmary and unexpectedly the other guys followed me here. Ymir dragged me out and told me something "Hey~ Marco buddy~, we all know you like (Y/N) and she likes you, you two are trying to hide it from us." I spoke but in a small and shy voice "lo-look I told you guys I like her as a friend" I felt sick just by looking at her team behind her "oh ya~ why does she protect you when ever you get hurt or threatened?" "No... she... she's just.... it's just that we are close friends that's all" I started to cry a little I was wondering about (Y/N). About when she'll ever walk up...

Time skip~ (5 or 3 days later) narration

(Y/N) regains consciousness but hasn't woken up and Marco thinks she's still asleep and proclaims to her "sleeping" form that he loves her

Marco's PoV

Now since that day were she fell in a horrible state, I always spent my breakfast, lunches, breaks, dinners and even fell asleep waiting and waiting for her radiant (E/C) eyes to open once again. Another day went past and I started to hold (Y/N)s hand tightly each day, "(Y/N) I love you, please wake up.. for me..."

Normal PoV

*donk* ( that meant to be a door closing sound) the door closed and for some reason I woke up crying with joy and smiling at the same time those words echoed throughout my mind non stop.

25 minutes later I started to walk away from the infirmary and got changed into my uniform but.... the others were there standing and waiting for my arrival. "Hey guys, where's Marco, and yes I admit I do love him", everyone started to gasping and hugged me tight and it did feel like I was about to pop from it to. Then a familiar voice sounded sluggish and dropped. I turn my head and it was the same boy who said those words 'I love you' Sasha and the others let go of me so I could turn towards him he started to move slowly and then ran to me crying "ah.... it's ok I'm here... oh no, Marco I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall aha *thud* ow~" when I fell he landed on top of me while burning his head into my chest (*cough cough* Marco bit to much buddy) then he lifted hi head up and said "damn. (Y/N) why did you scare me like that?..!" I replied with a sluggish response "I didn't mean t- oh god I'm so sorry" I held him ever so tight and closer than ever before, "please don't cry anymore" I didn't get the feeling that we would never be friends again. But in the end we still were, Marco stood up and lent a hand out, I stood up and he asked me a question "(Y/N) I.... I... am.... would you like me if you would....." everyone around us was begging for Marco to do something "go on Marco" Christer still encouraged him to say it she was excited for Marco and me "yes you can do it Marco" I didn't what to hurt him but I encourage him to say what he had to say I did feel a little mean but I want to hear what he had to say "come on Marco what was it you wated to-" after seeing this I thought I was dreaming or something but he actually thought it though I didn't know how he pulled it off but he did it. "As I was saying (Y/N) would you go out with me" I replied but I was to nervous to say it "ye-yes" everyone was shouting and screaming for us it was embarrassing but it was okay. And that was the happiest day of my life and his...

Yaaaaayyyy~ Marco YAS!!! My little sunshine my lovely sunshine you make me happy (to soon) 😊😊 ok here it is

The feels

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