Marco (modern)

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Marco's PoV

My life in 2015 was born in 1999 I was a new kid at a small secondary school were I got bullied a lot from have freckles everywhere. One time I fell into their hands they grabbed my book off the floor and scanned thought my drawings of a girl, with long hair a pencil toned drawing of her. "How's this pretty woman. Eh???" They held my against the wall with lockers against my back. A girl came and pulled the two men of my and started to beat them up, she had a lot of strength, punching and kicking the three boys, the book was on the floor and she picked it up and looked at it admiring my art. "This is good, I like it. Those three bullies won't harm you anymore. My names (Y/N) (L/N).... yours?" She handed the book back "its Marco Bodt.. nice to meet." She was the most smiliest person I have ever met so far.  I continued my art and I decided to draw (Y/N) I didn't know why, it just popped into my head.

Time skip

The morning of my second day in my new school I was still new to this place. I saw (Y/N) place her books into her locker but one book fell out I picked it up for her "here you go." I lend the book and she nodded "thanks.".... for the first time in the world I felt alive being close to her, she was looking at the prom posters that was in three months.

Break and I got caught again with the bullies beating my up, I saw a girl standing behind them. "HEY! You little punks. Pick on someone you own size for a change." The guy with the puffer jacket over his blue blazer and untucked shirt ran up to her he was ready to punch and she dodged like a bullet, she grabbed his arm and pulled him over her shoulder and he landed on his back, the next one tried and he was behind her. She got grabbed but she escape from his grip she did a sliding kick causing him to fall over and bash is brainless head on the ground (expression) she gave and stunning evil eye at that other guy that was holding me, he ran in fear and left his mates.. I got up off the ground "thank you (Y/N)" I looked at my watch and it was nearly time to got to class, the lesson we went to was art (my favourite) the lesson was faces and we had to draw the opposite person, I had to draw (Y/N) on half of her face was an animal and she had to draw me with a half of an animal face.

(Y/N)s PoV

I drew Marco with a fox face on one side (this is not a Marco joke ok) he probably drew me with a wolf half on my face, I mean people call my the wolf for nothing. When the teacher left to get something the tree boys that were in my class were staring at me and Marco. "Hey look at those to lovebirds over there." I turned my head giving a stern look. Art was over and I looked at Marco's drawing of me and it looked cool I showed mine to him and he liked it we handed the work in and it was break time..

Time skip.

The end of the day and me and Marco were walking home. We split our ways when the path split, I lived up on a hill having a view of the other house, but Marco was still walking home and he got stopped by those three I jump off the balcony into a tree I was fast but when I got there Marco was on the floor bleeding with punch markers all over. I threw a few punches and kicks but one have a penknife but I got stabbed but I managed to beat them up one more time, they left I picked up Marco and I walked to my house up the hill but before of could made it my sight started to go blurry I fell with blood running down my clothes and I fell to the ground completely "Ma....Marco....~" I couldn't keep my eyes open........

Random teacher PoV

I saw to students from the school, but the were on the floor with wounds I picked (Y/N) up and Marco woke up. "(Y/N)..." Marco ran towards (Y/N) "Mrs Looklis.... is she ok?" "Well she's ok now that she is safe but...where dose she live..." Marco replied "she lives up on the hill.... she lives on her own..." he told me as he remembered clearly what happened. We took her to her house and I place her on her sofa, I found a med kit lying around the room, I patch the wound up which looked like a penknife' doing... she was resting, I felt like a mother but I wasn't. Marco and I waited and waited for she to awake from her unconscious sleep..

Marco's PoV

It was 9 pm in the afternoon and I made Mrs Looklis and I some coffees and teas, I knew my way round her house.


"This is my house but it is a bit small....." I replied "it's a lovely house...(Y/N) where are your parents..?" She turned and looked shocked "there not around.... they died in a car crash 3 years ago, now I'm alone I learned by myself how to defend myself against other people and other things."

End of flashback

I saw a old sword that looked like it was from a old story or legend, it had a curved blade and a hand with patterned diamonds on it..

I saw a old sword that looked like it was from a old story or legend, it had a curved blade and a hand with patterned diamonds on it

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She always keeps it by her bed...

She finally risen from her unconscious state. The blood trickled down her skirt. We sat down and spoke we told the evidence about the three men that been bullying me and (Y/N) always seemed to protecting me since I joined.

BIG TIME SKIP~~ 5 years later

The three men had been expelled from the school and we were married (Y/N) was in the Secret agency of the army, more like a Colonel but something changed her name completely, she wasn't a (L/N) anymore she was a Bodt.... but the army went off and I had a letter from the agency about my wife...

"To Marco Bodt

This is terrible news about the person you loved dearly but she's been off for a long time and she will not return......

End of note

I screwed up the note and burned it but in the note as well was a photo I quickly pulled in out of the burning fire but some of it was burned. I looked at the lovely photo of her before she left. I grabbed her sword and withdrew and without forgiveness I.....committed my death.....

Sorryyyyy~~~~ I admit this was a sh** ending

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