We Know

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Lin stared at you with a blank expression. "Wow. That's... that's quite a long story. How's Tatum holding up?"

"Still asleep." You murmured. "I don't know what to do."

"Have you talked to Kacey?" Lin questioned, putting a dash more of sugar in his coffee and swirling it around.

You shrugged. "I called her like five times but it went to voicemail, and any texts I send go unread."

"Oh babe, why don't you go out, visit Kacey? You know where she lives right?" Lin questioned, his face full of concern. "She probably needs a friend right now, and you're one of the best friend's she could have."

"That's a good idea." You agreed, standing up and taking Oak's keys from the counter, where Tatum had left the the night before. "Thanks babe, you really are a wise one. And... you'll be here for Tate when she wakes up?"

"Of course! I'll stay right here, and call you when she wakes up. I'll even make a fresh pot of coffee for her!" Lin smiled at you.

You twirled the keys in your hand. "Okay, thanks again. Love you." You closed the door to the hotel room behind you and turned to the hallway. On your right there were sounds of a child crying, and to your left, somebody yelling a pizza order into their phone, despite it being 10:00 AM. You smiled to yourself, knowing that everybody has their problems. 

You knocked on the door to the apartment. You heard some shuffling inside. There was a thump against the door, and you could hear inside, Jax yelling "It's Y/N! Can I let her in?"

"So Tatum just decided to tell everyone then, huh?" Kacey yelped in response.

You knocked again, hoping this would urge your friends to open the door. "Come on Kace, I just want to be there for you!"

There was some more shuffling inside, and another thump, somebody was unlocking the door. It swung open, and Jax ushered me inside. Once I entered she locked the door again.

"You're back from London?" You sassed, she had been in London for about a month.

She raised an eyebrow. "You're the one that cut off all connections for no reason and then became boyfriend and girlfriend with Lin Manuel-Miranda. I came home last night, but needed some time to calm down."

"Okay, sorry." I muttered defensively.

"It's alright. Let's focus on Kacey." Jax led me to Kacey's bedroom and let me enter. "Holler if I'm needed."

You sat on the end of the bed. "Kace... how are you?"

"I'm bloody fine Y/N! Everything is right in the world! Of course I'm bad Tatum and my girlfriend of nearly a month cheated on me!"

You took a deep breath, realizing she was in a rage mood. "Kace, Tatum feels horrible about what happened."

"Well of course that's why you're here, not to be here for me but to be Tatum's advocate! You've always liked her better!"

You shook your head. "Not true! I love you both! And I'm just trying to make sure that the two of you don't stop being friends do to a stupid mistake! A drunk mistake Kace! You of all people should understand that."

Kacey hissed slightly. "That's a touchy subject Y/N."

"Whatever Kacey, you know exactly how Tatum feels!" You exclaimed, putting your hand over hers to try and calm her.

She pulled her hand out from under yours. "That's different! I didn't know that Tiana had another girlfriend! Tatum knew that Pippa and I were dating!"

"But when you found out. You felt horrible. Absolutely awful." You said softly, realizing you were beginning to reach her.

Kacey shrugged. "But it's not the same."

"But Tatum has now lost two of her best friends, and you have been one of them for years, and Pippa has been Tatum's idol for so long. Think how she feels, she made one mistake and it might end up being the worst of her life." You muttered.

Tatum's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes drearily and saw a bright light being shined into my eyes. "Aghhh!" I groaned in shock. I shut them tight, but the stupid sun was not forgiving. "Close the window!" I yelped out to whoever had opened it.

"No." Lin answered, it was still shocking to hear his voice in person when you had heard it so many times on videos and recordings. 

"Please?" I  begged, rolling over to face him. He was sitting in a wheeled chair next to the bed, legs crossed.

He shook his head, making the chair wobble a bit. "Close it yourself you silly." With that, he pushed off the bed with his feet and rolled about a yard away. "Ah fuck that was supposed to be so much more dramatic!"

I couldn't help but chuckle, he was funnier in person. Then a grin took over my face, the first in days. "Will you do a rap for me?"

"Seriously? Do I have to?" He muttered.

I nodded. "Pleeeeaaaase?"

"Good god, can I do it a little later? I'm supposed to be getting you out of bed and drinking your cappuccino." Lin held up a coffee cup that I now realized was for me.

My eyes widened to the size of the mug. "Cappuccino?"

"Cappuccino!" I pulled the covers off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. "Stand up for it, and walk over here."

"I'm not a child don't be patronizing Lin!" I sighed, standing and going over to him. I plucked the cup out of his hand and took a sip. "Ooh! Extra cream extra sugar, just the way I like it! Thanks so much!" 

Lin's phone buzzed and without thinking, he turned it on. My stomach flipped after I had read it, and my smile was gone. 

Pippa: Tatum is such a b*tch. I can't even believe her!

Lin: Pip, she did just as much bad as you.

Pippa: She told Kacey, she ruined my relationship! I hate her

Lin: She was truthful

Pippa: I see how it is, as soon as you start dating that who.re your friends fall away.

Lin: Don't call her that!

Pippa: Y/N & Tatum are who.res 

Lin looked at me in despair. "Tatum I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. "No need to apologize." My voice broke and my noise burned, I could feel tears coming on.

"Tatum, I feel-"

"It's okay!" Tears burned my eyes as I tried to hold them in, but I couldn't. "She hates me!" I wailed. "She and Kacey absolutely hate me!" I walked over to the bed and sat back down. 
"They hate me."

The door to the bedroom opened, and I looked up to see who it was. "I don't." 

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