The Truth Comes Out

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*Peggy's POV*

Everyone at the dinner table turned their attention towards me. Those words kept pounding in my head.

"Tell us about Maria"

I knew there was no escaping this. While I was away, Angelica must've told my parents. She must've figured it out.

She had to have. Every time her and Eliza would visit, she'd send me this look, as if she knew something. I should've caught onto it.

Great, just another thing you messed up.

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"I can explain. Just please, no body talk until I finish. Because if I get interrupted, it'll just make me flustered."

With a second deep breath, I began.

"As school started, I noticed very quickly that I was being left out, excluded, pushed aside, and was practically invisible. The very first day, I tried to sit with Angelica and Eliza, but they didn't even notice I was there so I sat alone at the table in the corner. Even at home, guys, I was being left out or pushed around. I was never included in anything that they did. And for years, Dad acted like I never existed."

I sighed.

"So, I did what I thou- what I think most people would do. It makes sense in my head. I decided to be someone else. I was sick of being known as the third Schuyler sister. I'm not just Peggy, I'm Maria too. And some days Peggy is gone and Maria is present."

I noticed my family's look of concern grow on their faces.

"We went to homecoming. And at homecoming, I grew jealous. I'm jealous of Alexander and Eliza. Eliza always gets everything and I'm left with nothing! It isn't fair. Eliza gets the boys. Angelica gets the brains. What do I get? Oh yeah, yelled at."

I shook my head, knowing I was getting off track.

"I, well, we, I mean, Maria, took Alexander and did stuff. Then I, Peggy rushed home and made it seem like I never left. Angelica came back with a crying Eliza because Eliza thought Alexander ditched her. But then the next day, all was well for the love birds and they made up. I got mad."

I shook my head again.

"So yeah. That's it I guess."

My parents exchanged looks between each other.

"So, whose talking? Peggy or Maria? Because we sure as hell cant tell anymore with you." My father barked at me.

I shook my head "and you wonder why I tried to kill myself." I fired back

"You'll know whose who, trust me." I said before walking upstairs, alone.


Angelica shook her head. "Sounds like she has even more problems." I heard her say before I reached the top of the stairs.

Oh honey, just you wait and see what I have in store for you.

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