Chap. 6

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I open my eyes, there's a white ceiling above me. I start to hyperventilate as a sudden fright comes over me. It's strange since I don't easily become frightened. Everything looks blurry for a moment before I see someone staring at me with eyes that remind me of the blade of a knife. It's a guy I don't know. I blink to see him better and he's quite good looking. Inky black hair that seem damp and rakishly messy. His skin is a dark color, almost Latino looking and he's wearing a dark shirt with the collar open to reveal sprinkles of black chest hair. Yep, he is hot. But I feel unbalanced and a little too vulnerable. I blink again and he's still there.

He's looking at me.

And I am looking at him.

The thing about this situation is that the only thing stuck in my head is why he's staring at me. I don't see why he can't close his eyes or look away. It didn't even occur to me that I could look away. Nah, ah! It was all on him.

Puzzled and a lot creeped out, I blink and take a glance at my surroundings. For now, he won the staring contest we had going on. But I am so confused.

"Where am I?" I ask, squinting at the man's unfamiliar face.

"You're in a hospital." He replies with a grave tone.

I try to sit up and take a better look at my surroundings, but strong arms stop my movement. I then find myself pressed into the bed and his face comes into view above me, more earnest if that is even possible. Apparently it is.

And that's when it all comes back. Those were the same grey eyes I saw before my world was plunged into darkness. He saved my life. He had rescued me. But what else was he? I was in the house of villians. Could he also be a villain? Is that how he managed to save me?

I smacked myself internally at that foolish thought. He cannot be a villain. Villains don't save people, especially a girl like me.

"You saved--" a plump Asian nurse comes into the room, cutting me off.

"You're awake," she states quite joyfully. Totally different from the doctors that treated me before. Are doctors always this friendly? Or is this a one time thing? "Hi, I am Yuan. How are you feeling, dear?"

She puts her hand on my forehead and nods before pressing some button on the bed and it moves up so I am in a sitting position. She checks the drips and pops two pills from a bottle.

"These are some antibiotics that I need you to take after you eat," she tells me with a pointed look and I somehow know how it feels to be the little girl with a caring mother. It causes a rise in my emotions and I bite my lip in an effort to bring myself back to reality with the reminder of pain. "Do you like pudding? Or do you think you can manage pancakes? You aren't telling me how you feel and that worries me."

"I'm okay," I croak out and try to clear my throat feeling embarrassed that I sound like a toad. "Sorry about that. I am not feeling any immediate pain."

"Oh good," she sighs, her hand pressed to her chest in relief. Gush, I winder if she can adopt me. "It seems the painkillers are working. Your eye is still a little swollen, but thankfully your nose isn't broken. You must be hungry from only having water, salt and glucose dripped into you over the past few days. Okay so I will make it quick and get you..."

"Pancakes and coffee," I nod and she smiles. "Black coffee and pancakes with a lot of syrup."

"Not too much sweets now," she laughs before someone clears a throat and the short plump nurse turns to him...him who? My rescuer? "Take care of her. I'll be back in a jiffy."

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