Chap. 9

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I glare. A pathetic one since I can't even move my head upright to give him a proper one. I tug at the restraints and they tighten even more, pushing me down on the bed and hindering any movement all.

He chuckles. I grit my teeth at the shiver runs through me. I don't understand my reaction to him. Sure he is good-looking, but I have seen handsome guys before. Never had this reaction. And now I am getting turned on just by his voice.

Shít! I wonder if he can tell. I want to close my thighs, to shield that evidence of arousal from the world, but these freaking restraints won't give.

"Get me out of this, a$$hole," I state and I hear glass against a table. I feel his presence to my right. His hand moves lightly up my arm and I can't help the shudder that runs through me. His hands are so big and despite feeling a little hard, they are smooth. And they glide over my skin so soothingly. I close my eyes, fighting back the sensations but all that happens is the sensations getting stronger. I bite my bottom lip to not scream out of frustration. A first time since this has never happened before. Fúck it! He is simply touching my arm for crying out loud. When was that ever supposed to be erotic? My eyes fly open as I imagine where else his hands could be. Should be. Stop it Keisha, control yourself. "Stop touching me."

I roll my eyes, that is even more pathetic than the glare. Can't believe that is even possible. It's like I am losing all my willpower. This can't be right. Sounding all breathy and wanton. I am not a wanton!

His hands are now at my neck, tracing  the column and I swallow. They cup my face and I look into those bright eyes of his. Quite strange since grey is supposed to be dull, but with his face alighted only by the moonlight coming through some large glass windows by the side, they twinkled the same as diamonds. He leans down and my eyelids automatically flutter shut. His lips graze mine before he moves to my ear.

"You don't want me to stop, do you?" He asks and my breathing quickens. His Italian accent is thick and his warm breath caressing my skin, I cannot be blamed for the awareness of my body. My brain is firing commands to stop, but my body...oh, my body isn't listening. Not at all. "Say it, I want you to say you don't want me to stop."

His teeth graze my ear lobe and my breath stills. I can't move as the warmth of that simple action causes my insides to melt and I feel a pull in my lower abdomen. His hand is there, resting on my tummy and I shudder.

His hand then moves lower and the next thing I know, his skin makes contact with mine. Even though it isn't where I would prefer it to be, I find myself melting, my muscles that were tense going slack. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. And then I feel the knots at my hands loosen.

He grins at the confused look on my face before caressing the side of my cheek. Another shiver runs through my body and this time I tense up, aware of my arousal and trying to hide it. But of course I fail. The guy must have some twelfth sense or something for that. Probably had his share of experiences with women to know when a woman is aroused. Like I am ever going to sleep with him. Pft! The only thing I am going to do is be jealous of the hundreds of women that he have most likely slept with.

Not like I would given the opportunity...I mean, he probably has some disease or something. Besides he is in the mafia apparently, I have no proof he is in it as yet, and his key comes with too much burden of keeping secrets and looking over shoulders after it goes into my lock. I have enough problems of my own.

"All you need to do is relax," he says, taking out a key to open the handcuffs and I let out a little sigh, the knots loosening with the exhale. He smirks at me and I wonder why the smirk. His smirk widens. Okay, he is just doing it to irritate me. The bastard. "Something tells me that relaxing is not your thing."

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