Chap. 4

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I frown at my obviously deranged parents as they stood watching me.

"I still don't see why you guys have to be in the room when I am being suited up," I let the exasperation and irritation I am feeling seep through. I then motion wildly to the guards in the room. "Isn't that the reason for them anyways?"

Mrs. Giorgio shrugs and pulls at her husband's shirt sleeve. His eyes are still on me as he grunts in response to his wife. She sighs at that before looking at me.

"Okay then," she beams at me and I fist my hands in balls by my sides to maintain some amount of control. "Good luck, baby girl. And make us proud."

She doesn't wait for a response and sways out of the room. The worse thing, I actually walk exactly like her which means I sway a lot too. I can't even criticize her for that because it would be bashing myself. Such unfairness!

"Just to make this clear," I point my finger at Mr. Giorgio with narrow eyes, ignoring the guns aimed at me. "I am only doing this because I like Ukraine."

He blinks at that and I see the bodyguard in question raise an eyebrow at me, still looking threatening as usual but a little sexier.

"What?" I ask him as I draw on my belt to see if the woman tighten it properly. "You aren't gay, are you?"

He rolls his eyes at me and I realize that's the most expression I have seen him have since I met him. If I didn't have the eyes of a man I really hate trained on me at the moment, I probably would have been dancing happily at that. But that isn't possible since the man I hate is staring at me.

I glare up at him as soon as the women are finished suiting me up and I finally get to step down from the small platform.

"Okay, how are you feeling?" Mr. Giorgio asks and I try not to growl at him. "And stop giving me that hate glare of yours. It's getting on my nerves."

I just intensify my glare and he cocks his head at me.

"Well, what fun with that be," I tell him with a shrug and he glares at me. "It's not like you're not glaring at me right now."

He grounds his teeth and I wonder why I am the one who has to do this job. It pays well by the zeros I saw when he showed me the amount that would be entering my account as soon as I am finished. I am not going to admit that I really need that money. A lot. But this isn't what I want to do to get it. Yet here I am.

This is the prime definition of human trafficking. Okay, that is a little too much, especially since I am going to be paid for it, but being threatened to be killed if you don't do something really doesn't make it any better. Even though I have his DNA, I won't put it pass him to bury me alive. Painless isn't his style, but I sure don't want to feel a bullet in my head at the moment. And by the look on his face, that is precisely what will be happening if I don't shut my mouth soon.

"Yeah, I think I am feeling okay," I tell him with a sigh between defeat and exasperation. He nods and he gestures to his goons and they come closer. I look at him with a frown. "What are you doing?"

He shrugs. "I'm not doing anything," he tells me. "But they are."

Before I know it, a bag covers my eyes and I feel my entire body being lifted off the ground. I kick and thrash, but there seems to be no progress. I can't hear a thing but the erratic beating of my heart and my harsh breathing along with the pounding of blood in my ears from being upside down.

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