Chap. 8

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I don't tend to be frightened much. I mean, I have seen some crazy shit in life that should prepare me for all this other crazy shit in life. And thus, fear has been afraid of me since I hit puberty at ten. So when I am frightened, it takes awhile for me to identify the feeling and gives Mr. Mafia here all the time to inspect me.

I turn to him. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask, watching his icy gaze assess my every move. "Why are so many of your buddies here? I do not, and I repeat, do not participate in orgies."

He chuckles at that as he leisurely eat up the few inches between us, his steps soft on the white expensive carpet. I am so glad I am not his housekeeper. This would be a bítvh to clean after they're done with it. I mean, no one took off their shoes and just walk right in. What happens after a kill? They just going to turn this carpet in a bloody mess. And despite them saying that blood doesn't stain, it is a complete pain in the butt to get out.

"It seems you have this wrong, bambina," That sounds so much like he is calling me a bimbo, but I know it is something different. is Italian I should know this. But his accent is so thick at this point, I have difficulty making out the English. He fists his hand in my hair and tugs it back, causing my knee to automatically come up to his crotch but he deflects it. I fall unbalanced, but he keeps me up with my hair. I try not to wince although I am pretty sure my face doesn't give an impression of happiness or neutrality. And these are the reasons women cut their hair. If only I had the time before to cut it, my scalp wouldn't be in pain right now. "I ask the fúçking questions around here and if I want you to do something, you do it. It doesn't matter what you want or think, capisci?"

I take a quick side glance at the bodyguards at the walls with their hands on their guns. Yeah, so to my vintage point, there are two ways this can go. I can scratch out his eyeballs, use him as a shield, grab guns and start firing and drive away with him a car before shooting him and abandoning the car some three thousand miles from here. The flaw with that is I will need super strength and speed. Basically I will need to transform into wonder woman. So all in all, it isn't going to happen. The second way is to see what he's doing. Test his boundaries, see any weak points. Patience. The one thing I never really have in an abundance.

I narrow my eyes at him before shrugging and he grins. "You really are a feisty one," he says, something I was not expecting. I really need to know where is the typical male make up of getting angry over being treated inferior. I mean, shrugging my shoulders basically state that you're not worthy of me to speak. So why the hell isn't he angry? "Take a seat. Miss Giorgio, is it?"

He twists my hair in his fist and a cry escapes me as he throws me toward the couch before grabbing my hair again and sitting beside me.

"I know you're not afraid of torture my dear," he pats my cheek. "I have seen it firsthand. But I really need these answers to my questions. Okay?"

I nod with the little movement I am allowed with his iron grip on my hair.

"Why were you in my father's house?" He inquired and before I can spit out some snappy comeback, he pinches my lips and shakes his head. "Now, don't get all extra mad at me. Just answer the question and be specific," he pauses and takes in a deep breath of my hair. "Just the smell of you is a turn on."

For the love of God, I never knew I could get turned on in such a life threatening moment in all eternity. What the actual fūck? I had to even squeeze my thighs tighter which is a dead give away but the need is too strong. But it doesn't do much since it makes me crave more. So when i see the gleam in his dark eyes, I know I need to be extra careful with this one. He is too attractive for his own good and mine.

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