Chap. 11

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"You sure this is a good idea?" My father inquires, puffing on some expensive cigar. I shrug. "Maybe we should kill her and ship her to her parents in Jamaica. Would be a nice warning, don't you think?"

I finally relaxed after arriving at his house to be shot in the shoulder and then bandaged up. The motherfúcking bastard. The only reason he isn't dead is because I deserved it. Or close to it. I did tackle him to the floor and knock him unconscious. He still had his hand in a sling and I could still see the coloring of a bruise on his jaw. That was three days ago. It's almost funny. I have the girl with me for just three days and I already feel like I have been through hell and back.

I swear, this is karma at its finest. Right now I am sexually frustrated and with what I have in mind, it wouldn't be fair to fúck anyone else. But then again that isn't the real reason. It's more like I want her to satisfy me. Maybe after one fúck she'll be out of my system. It isn't like she is some virgin or something. Never with that mouth on her.

"Or rather you want to keep her?" I snap up at that and he cocks his head at me. Similarly to how I do it sometimes, as if I am inspecting something strange. I try to school my expression, not sure what emotions played on my face for him to have that grin on his face. That slow easy grin that said he's caught something. Fúck it, I don't want him to catch anything. "It surprises me you haven't fúcked her already. That mouth is just begging to be filled, to be occupied. But she is a little volcano. Wouldn't want to force yourself on her. She is dangerous whether we like it or not and you're not the son I raised you to be by raping women."

I lift my left eyebrow at that. "Wasn't mom raped when I was conceived?"

He nods slowly, looking away and for the first time, he seems ashamed.

"Things had been getting bad when I just took over after I met your mother and she came over faster than lightning when I called so I thought she knew what she was getting into," he grits out and I know I hit a nerve. I take a good chug from the bourbon bottle. Yep, when you aren't on pain meds tumblers seem like a waste of effort and time. The bottle is all I need. "But I never raped her. She just wasn't expecting me to kick her out in the morning. She wouldn't have married me if that was the case."

"And here I thought she married you because she was pregnant," I state and he waves me off and goes for his tumbler.

"That too," he nods and takes out his tequila. "Anyway, you sure you want to marry her. She'll becoming apart of us and you are going to have to ensure she doesn't double cross us. Those Russians are sneaky."

"Well, the last time I dealt with them, being sneaky wasn't their specialty," I tell him, slamming the empty bourbon bottle on the glass table before me. He immediately hands me the tequila. It isn't my style, but it burns all the same and numb the pain.

"That's because catching them is our specialty," my father puffs out another smoke and I glare at him as the smoke comes right into my face. He shrugs and puffs higher this time. "But since you like her-"

"I don't like her," I am quick defend. Her personality is too chatty for my likes. She isn't even my type, if I had a type. Sometimes I wonder how she's Russian. Her emotions always find a way to come out. The only thing I like is she's loyal and despite her sarcasm and corny humor, she never spills a secret. I can see it on her. Besides just because she turns me on and I want to fúck her doesn't mean anything. Although it has been awhile since one girl has held my interest. For so long too. Three days is a record for me. "She is just...intriguing."

"So are whores yet you don't find them intriguing," he states and that makes me cock my head. Well, I can blame him for that. He cheated on my mother with those same whores. He can't expect me to find them appealing. "Okay I get it, but this plan of yours has a way of backfiring and I don't want it to happen."

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