Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

"What?" I try to take a step back from him but his grip is too strong. I must have heard him wrong.

"You heard me."

"No, I am sure I misunderstood."

"You didn't, you make me feel things that are unfamiliar to me. I don't know how to handle these type of feelings Louis. So I do the only thing I know how to do, which is be an asshole." Once again I find myself in a trance.

"This could never work Harry, we are so different. I already have a girlfriend who uh, thinks I'm straight and you don't date, remember?"

"We aren't that different, we are very similar. We like the same things, we both love books for example." he says. I can't wrap my mind around the idea of Harry trying to convince me that we could be good together.

"You don't date." I remind him again.

"I know, but we friends?" There it is. We are back to square one.

"I thought you said we couldn't be friends? I won't just be friends with you, I know what you mean by that. You want all the benefits of being my boyfriend without actually having to commit to me." His body sways and he leans on the table and loosens his grip of me.

"Why is that so bad? Why do you need the label?"

"Because Harry, I have self respect. I will not be your play thing, especially when it involves being treated like dirt. And...I am already taken Harry."

"And yet look where you are right now." He points out. I can't deny that he is right but I can't and won't agree to be friends with benefits with him.

"I love her and she loves me." I say and watch Harry's expression change. He lets go of me and stumbles over the chair.

"Don't say that to me." he slurs.

I almost forgot how drunk he was. His words are coming out faster than ever before.

"You're only saying this because you're drunk, tomorrow you will go back to hating me."

"I don't hate you.

I wish he didn't have this effect on me. "If you can look my in the eyes and tell me that you want me to leave you alone and never speak to you again, I will listen. I swear, from this point on I will never come near you again, just say the words."

I open my mouth to tell him just that. To tell him to stay far away from me, to tell him I never want to lay eyes on him again.

"Tell me Louis, tell me that you never want to see me again." He steps closer yet again.

He runs his hands along my arms and goose bumps immediately raise on my skin.

"Tell me you never want to feel my touch again." he whispers and brings his hand to my neck.

His index finger traces along my collarbone and back up and down my neck. I hear my breathing increase as he brings his lips less than an inch from mine.

"That you never want me to kiss you again." he says and I can smell the scotch and feel the heat off his breath.

"Tell me Lewis." he coos and I whimper.

"Harry." I whisper.

"You can't resist me Louis, just as I can't resist you." His lips are close to mine, they are almost touching.

"Stay with me tonight?" He asks and I want to do whatever he says.

A movement by the door catches my eye and I jerk away from Harry. Liam's face is twisted with confusion as he turns away and disappears from the doorway.

I am snapped back into reality.

"I have to go." I say and Harry curses under his breath.

"Please, please stay. Just stay with me tonight and if you decide in the morning to tell me you don't want to see me anymore... just please stay. I am begging you and I don't beg Lewis." I find myself nodding before I can stop myself.

"What will I tell Brianna? She is waiting for me and I have her car." I can't believe I am actually considering doing this.

"Just tell her that you have to stay because...I don't know. Don't tell her anything, what's the worst thing she can do?" Harry asks and I shudder.

She will tell my mom. Irritation towards Brianna fills me, I should not have to worry about my girlfriend telling my mother on me.

"She is probably asleep anyway." Harry says.

"No, she has no way to get back to her hotel."

"Hotel? Wait...she doesn't stay with you?"

"No, she has a hotel room close by."

"And you stay at the hotel with her?"

"No, she stays there and I stay in my room."

"What is wrong with her? Is she straight?" Harry asks, his bloodshot eyes dance in amusement.

"Of course she is!"

"Sorry but something is not right there. If you were mine I wouldn't be able to stay away from you. I'd fuck you every chance I had."

My mouth falls open. Harry's dirty words have the strangest effect on me. I flush and look away from him.

"Let's go inside, the tree is swaying back and forth. I think that is my cue to go inside. I have had way too much to drink."

"You're staying here?" I ask him, I had assumed he would go back to his frat house.

"Yea, so are you. Let's go." he grabs my hand and we walk towards the back door.

I will have to find Liam and try to explain what he saw through the door. I don't know what is happening myself so I am not sure how I will explain it but I have to make him understand somehow. As we walk through the kitchen, I notice the mess is almost completely cleaned.

"You need to clean the rest of this tomorrow." I tell him and he nods.

"I will." He promises, I hope he keeps it.

He keeps my hand in his as he leads me up the grand staircase. I pray that we don't run into Liam in the hallway and I am relieved when we don't.

Harry opens the door to a pitch black room and gently pulls me inside.

NOTE: hey thanks for all the reads and votes so far! We're getting closer to 10k reads!

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After: Larry Stylinson VersionWhere stories live. Discover now