Renee x reader

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Prompt 115 @ameuana-aphasia

"Dear Diary..."

   It all started with those two opening words. As I wrote in my leather diary, tears dripped off my chin and fell from my face, falling on the crisp pages. Every time I write, I feel as if the sorry story of my life, is being produced into some beautiful story.

"Hey y/n! What's up?" Renee exclaims as she bursts into my dorm.

I quickly try to hide the leather book, but she unfortunately notices.

"Still writing in that stupid diary my dad gave you? I thought we were past this."

I feel as if my life is being sucked away. I go pale, and feel sick. 'Of course she thinks this. Having a diary is such a childish thing.' I think to myself.

As I try to think of an excuse for having it, she rips the book from my grasp. The action caught me by surprise, making me gasp, so there was no way to get it back.

'Why does all the bad things happen to me?' I ask myself.

I watch in horror as she gets to the most dreaded part of my diary. Of course I thought that no one would ever try to read my diary, so I wrote about my crush. My crush that happened to be her. I mean you can't really stop a crush. It started ever since I moved in next door. I fell when climbing up the brick stairs, and she aided me. She's just so sweet and so perfect.

*flash back*

Moving day. College started in a week. I was as excited as ever. My parents decided to make me move every thing on my own. All the heavy boxes and bags. So I got out of my car, popped the trunk, and got to work. About halfway through my legs were getting tired from walking up and down the brick stairs leading to my new home.

"Down to the heaviest box." I sigh reaching into the car, gripping the cardboard tightly and heaving it out of the car.

All was dandy till I started up the stairs and I missed a step, resulting in me falling. Well, starting to fall. Warm hands catch my back and hold me steady. Opening my eyes I see a gorgeous girl.

"You could say I fell for you." I mumble cheesily, trying to lighten the mood as I regain my footing.

"I guess you could say that." She smiles warmly.

*end flashback*

   She continues to read the page, but soon closes the book. We sat in an awkward silence. I couldn't take it. I broke. Tears filling my eyes once again and spilling over my cheeks and onto the bed. My breath becoming ragged.

"I love you, okay?! I loved you since I first laid eyes on you! I'm sorry okay! I'm so freaking sorry! You know what, screw it!" I exclaim as I ran out the door.

I had no idea where I was going, I just knew that I did not want to stay in there with her. Logic is my only way out of this. Although the streets are crowded, it would be hard for her to try to catch me. The plan sounded great, but what I forgot was that she's been here longer than me and she knows who and where everyone is, so of course she'd find me.

She ran up to me me and turned me around. She kissed me. It was not just like any other kiss, it was full of passion, rage, happiness, and even sadness. It was the only time where I felt like I was a whole.

"I love you too. Please never forget that." She insisted.

"Really?" I asked astonished.


^sorry it's short. But I like it. My wonderful friend AnneWashington  helped write this.^

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