John Laurens *modern*

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54. "H-How long have you been standing there?"

89. "I didn't know you could sing."

"Tell them how I am DEFYING GRAVITY! I think ILL TRY DEFYING GRAVITY!" You were currently in your apartment belting Broadway's finest songs.

Not a care in the world as you sang the words exactly as they were intended to be sung. Cleaning up around the space was always better when your could sing, you only ever did it when no one was around.

"And nobody, in all of Oz. No wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring MEEEEE DOWNNNNNN!" You hit the final notes, pausing to pant as you do so, the last dishes clean.

The music stalls before switching to Annie, but you hear the faint padding of feet down the hallway. Startling you, you thought you'd been alone.


"I didn't know you could sing." Comes as slow claps sound around you as you turn around and see John, your boyfriend and housemate.

"How long have you been standing there?" You accuse, emphasizing your words with the point of a scrub brush.

He smirks, closing in on you, " once again. I didn't know you could sing."

"Well, now you know." Tossing the dirty utensil into the dish washer before pressing start.

"Sing for me?" He drawls slowly into your ear, hands gripping your waist.

"John Laurens I will not." You state, unsuccessfully trying to wriggle from his hold.

"Why not sweets? For me?" John pushes his bottom lip out for emphasis.

"Maybe later..." you try to stall, effectively getting out of his grip, "now. I need to keep cleaning. And you have to get to work."

John groans, throwing his head back and walking away.

"You'll sing for me when I get home though?" He pleads, brown eyes looking more puppy like than human.

"Sure John. When you get home."

While John is at work you finish cleaning, time had gotten away from you when your friend Peggy called, having talked to her for 2 hours.

Now it was 5 o clock and you were starting in dinner, he'd be home any minute.

"Luck be a lady toniiiiight. Luck be a lady toniiiight. Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with, luck be a lady tonight." You sings quietly with Frank Sinatra, his voice coming from the record playing in the corner of the living room.

"Sweets I'm home!" John announced, waltzing into the apartment with a big grin on his face.

"Good evening, Sir John. What do I owe the pleasure?" You giggle, stirring the pot of noodles on the stove, then continuing to bounce and sing.

"Aw, are you singing for me now?" He pulls his hair from his pony tail, letting it frame his face.

You laugh, looking at him lovingly, "you know... with your hair down you almost look like Alexander and Eliza's son."

"Oh don't say that!" He whines, hugging you from behind as you continue cooking, "it'll make you see him every time you're with me. You don't want to think you're dating Phillip do you?"

"God no!" You state, stepping out of his arms,

"And I'm not singing for you."

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