John Laurens~ Mermaid AU

369 8 2

(For my cousin)  prompts:
7. "You're A MERMAID?"
24. "FIGHT ME MARTHA!" - "my name isn't Martha."
28. "Can you sing to me?"

John, your best friend since as long as you could remember had bailed on you once again. It was movie night.

Star Wars! He bailed on Star Wars night!

You thought to yourself, walking leisurely towards the ocean.

Living a couple of blocks from the beach had its perks, constant access to a watery escape whenever you wanted, a nice place to tan, picnics. And it's down falls... Busy weekends, sand in places you never even knew it could be, and...

You had been talking to yourself in your head for so long that you had dismissed the fact that you had reached the sand. Slipping out of your sandals and cover up you set them by a rock.

I should be able to remember where I left them.

You continue on your walk, enjoying the way the salty breeze blew your hair.

There was a small cave that you usually went on days like this. Days when you needed to escape and just sit in a pleasant silence.

The entrance of the cave was about 6 feet tall and arched beautifully into the darkening sky above you. A full moon lighting your way into the cavern.

On one of your many adventures to this place you had gone back a little further than normal. Discovering a pool that led back out to the open ocean underneath the cavern. Many a times you had gone back there and swam, enjoying the peace it made you feel.

Tonight was one of those nights. A night when you went back to the pool and...


"WHO ARE YOU...? FIGHT ME MARTHA!" You screech, throwing your arms around like a ninja, successfully falling on to your butt.

"I-I'm not Marth-... Y/n??"

"J-John? What are you doing here??" You ask, staring wide eyed at your curly headed friend.

The gleam of something under the water catches your eye. Leaning closer you see a...

"A TAIL? JOHN ARE YOU A MERMAID?"  You screech, consequently falling into the water.

Strong arms wrap around you, pulling you back towards the surface.

You were gasping, trying to process what you had just discovered. John sets you back onto the shore, his cheeks flaming.

"Y-yes. I'm a mermaid. I-"

You cut him off with a finger to his lips. He looks up at you with tears lingering at his lash line. Waiting to fall onto his pink cheeks.  His pink cheeks that were currently surrounded by strands of curly brown hair.

"Y/n?" He whispers, breaking you from your trance.

"Was I staring?" You question.

He nods, eyes flitting to your lips as he does.



"Kiss me?"


His lips are pressed to yours as soon as the words are muttered. It was warm and fuzzy and everything you expected it to be. Small drops of water from your eyelashes and hair drip onto his cheeks.  His hands come up to cup your cheeks, the cool water on his palms contrasting greatly with your heated skin.

"That." You breathlessly whisper.

John smiles a lopsided grin at you.

"Hey John?" A smirk graces your lips, "can you sing for me?"

His mouth falls open and he scratches the back of his neck, "I guess. What song?"

You think for a minute, "whatever you want. Surprise me."

Dangling your feet over the edge into the water you smile at him.

"How about... The little mermaid?" He asks, swimming nervously.

Nodding your okay he starts.

*imagine any little mermaid song I'm too tired to write one in ATM*

"Wow John... You're a really good singer." You smile widely, making his cheeks erupt in pink heat.

"Hehe. Thanks y/n. I-I uh... Yea." He mumbles.

You notice his tail swishing anxiously under the water.

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